Quotes from Touch of Frost

Jennifer Estep ·  350 pages

Rating: (26.9K votes)

“Logan Quinn was the kind of guy who could stab me in the eye with a freaking Twizzler.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Did she just call me a bleeding toothpick? Kill her! Kill her now!”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“What did you expect? That he'd send you flowers and write you bad poetry? That dead Nemean prowler is pretty much as close to a stuffed animal as you're ever going to get from a Spartan like Logan Quinn.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“I wouldn't say hate, exactly. You're kind of like fungus, Gwen. After a while, you just start growing on people.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Are you OK?" I asked.
"I think so." Logan stared at me, and a smile pulled up his lips. "But maybe you should give me mouth-to-mouth, just to make sure.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Yeah, well this Gypsy girl happens to have a grandma that can curse you so bad that your dick will turn black and fall off, so watch your step, Spartan.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Let me walk you to your room," Logan offered in a helpful voice. "You, me, and the Gypsy girl could have our own bonfire tonight."
Daphne and I stared at each other. I rolled my eyes while Daphne sniffed.
"Oh, please," she scoffed. "Like I need a guy to protect me. I'm a Valkyrie, remember? I could pick you up and break your back over my knee, Spartan. Like you were a piñata."
"Kinky," Logan said, smiling at her. "I like it."
She snorted. "Save the smarmy charm for Gwen. We all know that she's the one you're really trying to impress anyway."
We did? Because I hadn't gotten that message at all.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Jasmine smirke at the weapon in my hand. "That little toothpick won't save you, Gypsy."
"Touthpick?" Vic muttered in an indignant voice. “Did she just call me a bleeding toothpick? Kill her! Kill her now!”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“I'm a figment of your imagination. You're only imagining that I'm sitting here eating with you. Because I'm just so freaking awesome that people daydream about being seen with me.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“That was my favorite dagger."
She had a favorite dagger? Seriously? And she thought that I was a freak.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“She doesn't even know how to kill things properlike? What kind of girl have you given me to, goddess?" Vic protested, fixing his eye on Nike once more.
Nike let out a laugh. " Vic is a little bloodthirsty. You'll get used to it.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Can't believe she bloody dropped me again. . .," I heard him mutter.

P 308”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Oh, fantastic," Vic muttered. "Just bloody fantastic. The goddess has given me to a bleeding pacifist-”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“My own eyes narrowed. i didn't like being made fun of, not even by a dangerous bad boy like Logan Quinn. "Yeah, well, this Gypsy girl happens to have a grandma who can curse you so bad that your dick will turn black and fall off, so watch your step, Spartan.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“And I was stuck here at Warrior Freaks R Us.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“It was better to know what people were really like than put your trust in someone who just wanted to hurt you in the end.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“her laptop. That’s where the good stuff would be anyway. It always was. Even at my old school, kids had always been frantic when they’d lost their laptops, thinking about all the incriminating stuff that someone might find on them. Like e-mails about how drunk the kids had gotten with their friends the weekend their parents thought they went to band camp. Papers they’d downloaded and plagiarized for AP English. Porn.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“Arm in arm, we left her room, the beginnings of a real relationship shimmering in the air between us, just like the bright pink sparks fluttering up from the Valkyrie's fingertips.”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

“All right, baby," Daphne crooned.
"Talk to Mama and tell me all your secrets. . . .”
― Jennifer Estep, quote from Touch of Frost

About the author

Jennifer Estep
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