Quotes from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

265 pages

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“You know, there is only one letter's difference between lonely and lovely," I told him once when he was down. "There is only one letter's difference between loner and loser," he retorted.”
― quote from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

“Ich weiß nicht, ob die verdummte Unterhaltung nach und nach dem kollektiven Intellekt unserer Nation geschadet hat oder ob die geistige Faulheit des Publikums zuerst da war und wir sie nur bedient haben.”
― quote from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

“I've taken the liberty of giving us a full moon. I've arranged for all stoplights to stay green. I've made some phone calls to make sure you keep smiling. I've reserved the space underneath our feet. I've gone all out for you, so why don't you go with me?”
― quote from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

“Sieh sie dir an", sagte Vincent. "Alle finden einfach zueinander. Sie kommen so mühelos zusammen. Warum passiert mir das nicht?”
― quote from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

“I thought about how in movies, usually action movies, a cheap way of getting the audience to invest in the plot is to endanger the life of a dog. There can be fifty men graphically terminated by machine-gun fire or an entire building full of workers destroyed, but no one will stand for a cute little dog being killed. And almost always, the dog's life is spared to the relief of the audience.”
― quote from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

“- Galima gauti saulės smūgį, bet mėnulio smūgio negausi.”
― quote from Torture the Artist. Joey Goebel

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