Quotes from Three Weeks With My Brother

Nicholas Sparks ·  368 pages

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“Dreams are always crushing when they don't come true. But it's the simple dreams that are often the most painful because they seem so personal, so reasonable, so attainable. You're always close enough to touch, but never quite close enough to hold and it's enough to break your heart.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life. Work's important, family's important, but without excitement, you have nothing. You're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“When you chase a dream, you learn about yourself. You learn your capabilities and limitations, and the value of hard work and persistence.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Tough toenails, tiger. What you want and what you get are usually two entirely different things.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“The anticipation is an essential part of this whole trip. The excitement of going, the places we'll see, the people we'll meet, that's part of the joy of this whole thing...Never forget that anticipation is an important part of life...without excitement you have nothing, you're cheating yourself if you refuse to enjoy what's coming.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“I've come to understand that arguing with [my wife] about it has never solved anything. So instead of denying it, I've learned to take her hands, look her in the eyes, and respond with those three magic words every woman wants to hear:
"You're right, sweetheart.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Relationships are the most important thing in life, and friends are a part of that.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“I realized that there were times when we talked not because we needed to communicate anything important, but simply because we each drew comfort from the other's voice”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“I never know what to tell them. I mean, there's nothing you can say to make a person stop hurting. Half the time, I just feel like telling them the truth. I'd say that for 3 months, you're going to feel worse than you've ever felt and you cope as best you can. And that after 6 months, the pain isn't so bad, but it still hurts more than you think it will. And even after years, you still find yourself thinking about the person you lost and get sad about it. And you still miss them all the time.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“When you know that someone close to you is going to die, there's a natural tendency to want to spend as much time with them as you can.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Commitment, I finally said. Both people have to be committed. I think if two people are committed to the marriage, if they really want to make it work, then they'll find a way to do it. No matter what happens in life.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Jill had three basic statements about life,
1. It is your life, usually with some added social commentary.
2. What you want and what you get are usually two entirely different things.
3. No one ever said that life was fair.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Life, he decided, was for living, not for having, and he wanted to experience every moment that he could.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“Dreams are always crushing when they don't come true. But it's the simple dreams that are often the most painful because they seem so personal, so reasonable, so attainable. You're always close enough to touch, but never quite close enough to hold, and it's enough to break your heart.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“What good is talking if neither of you are really committed? If one of you had an affair or got addicted to drugs or was abusive, simply talking about it wouldn;t take the hurt away; or fix the trust that's been lost. In the end, marriage comes down to actions. I think people talk too much about the things that bother them, instead of actually doing the little things that keep a marriage strong.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“In the eulogy by the graveside, I told everyone how my sister and I used to sing to each other on our birthday. I told them that, when I thought of my sister, I could still hear her laughter, sense her optimism, and feel her faith. I told them that my sister was the kindest person I;ve ever known, and that the world was a sadder place without her in it. And finally, I told them to remember my sister with a smile, like I did, for even though she was being buried near my parents, the best parts of her would always stay alive, deep within our hearts.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“إن حياة بلا صلاة هي أمر لا يمكنني تخيُّله”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“لا شيء يمكنه تغيير نمط الحياة أكثر من إنجاب طفل”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“أن الحياة فيها المسرات و الأحزان ، ولم يكن الأمر يستحق الطاقة لينزعج المرء من الأحزان ، ليس لأنه لا مفر منها وحسب بل ولأنها تنقضي أيضًا”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“You’re choosing to let life control you, instead of the other way around. That’s the big secret. You choose the kind of life you want to live.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“أن التقارب دائمًا صعب عندما تكون المسافة قد توسعت عبر السنين ، وأجيانًا يستحيل التغلب عليها”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“It was as if he'd suddenly become intimately aware of the fragility of life and how precious time really was. As a result, he made a conscious effort to simplify his life, with the goal of eliminating unnecessary stress. No longer interested in society's definition of success, he began purging his life of material things. Life, he decided, was for living, not for having, and he wanted to experience every moment that he could. At the deepest level, he'd come to understand that life could end at any moment, and it was better to be be happy than busy.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“ما تريده وما تحظى به هما عادة أمران مختلفان تمامًا”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“The more you own, the more it owns you, and I’m tired of it. I’m tired of having to take care of everything. I’m tired of things breaking and having to fix them. It adds stress, and frankly, I’m giving myself a break.” In”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“while there’s a lot that I don’t know about the world, I do know that kids have a funny way of helping you keep things in perspective.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

“I never know what to tell them. I mean, there's nothing you can say to make a person stop hurting. Half the time, I just feel like telling them the truth. I'd say that for 3 months, you're going to feel worse than you've ever felt and you cope as best you can. And that after 6 months, the pain isn't so bad, but it still hurts more than you think it will. And even after years, you still find yourself thinking about the person you lost and get sad about it. And you still miss them all the time.”
― Nicholas Sparks, quote from Three Weeks With My Brother

About the author

Nicholas Sparks
Born place: in Omaha, Nebraska, The United States
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