Quotes from The Last Hour

Charles Sheehan-Miles ·  482 pages

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“that feeling that I could touch the sky? That’s exactly how you make me feel.” (Ray)”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Sometimes you have to make choices, and they're imperfect, but they're the only choices you can make and live with yourself.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“I rested my hand on hers. Actually, when I wasn’t paying attention, it was in hers. I don’t know if it helped. I don’t know if it made any difference at all, if she had even the vaguest sense that I was there, that I was thinking about her and hurting for her and praying for her. All I could do was try. All I could do was be here. All I could give her was my love, even if she never knew.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Sometimes, I think... people we put on pedestals... they've got that much further to fall when you realize they're human.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“It wasn’t. Ray was too alive, too vital, too much of everything. Everything about him was real, solid. He couldn’t be these things the doctor described. Not breathing on his own. No brain activity. Not Ray.
“I don’t have home without him”, Carrie said when doctor asked her to go home.
“I won’t give up on him. Do you hear me, Doctor? Don’t you give up on him!”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Small moment, missed opportunities, things we don't see or pay attention to at the time sometimes have a far bigger impact on our lives than we would have ever guessed in advance.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“I’ll go to hell with him”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“I don’t have home without him”, Carrie said when doctor asked her to go home.
“I won’t give up on him. Do you hear me, Doctor? Don’t you give up on him!”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Someday you going to make some man very happy
I hope its going to be Ray...
Your soldier? I nodded, a half smile in my face
You love him?
Yes....Yes I do...”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Next time we meet again, let’s play doctor”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Life is fragile. Screw all that hesitant bullshit. We were going to go for it.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“She stopped, then finally turned around, and looked at me. “Just because you’ve been in a war doesn’t mean you’ve got a monopoly on shitty situations. And this is a shitty situation. So back to what I said before. Don’t tell me what to do.”(Sarah)”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Anger gone as quick as it had come, now I just felt like an idiot. Not that this was the first time, and probably wouldn’t be the last. (Ray)”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“I love you, Carrie," he whispered between shuddering breaths.
"Forever," I whispered.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“Ray... I don't know if you can hear me. I don't know if you're in there. But you need to know... that I love you. I love you, and I want you home with me. Please come back, Ray. Please wake up.”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

“people we put on pedestals ... they’ve just got that much further to fall when you realize they’re human”
― Charles Sheehan-Miles, quote from The Last Hour

About the author

Charles Sheehan-Miles
Born place: in Atlanta, Georgia, The United States
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