Quotes from The Elite

Kiera Cass ·  336 pages

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“It turns out I'm absolutely terrible at staying away from you. It's a very serious problem.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“You’ve changed me forever. And I’ll never forget you.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“You know that you’ve found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“Sometimes I feel like we're a knot, too tangled to be taken apart.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“He must love you very much,' Gavril said once I had my footing.
I couldn't look at him. 'What makes you say that?' Gavril sighed. 'I've known Maxon since he was a child. He's never stood up to his father like that.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“America, there’s no question that you’ve had my heart from the beginning. By now you have to know that”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I sighed. "Actually, Mom, we argue pretty regularly."
"What?" She gaped at me. "Well, stop it!"
"Oh, and I kneed him in the groin once."

There was a split second of silence before May barked a laugh. She covered her mouth and tried to stop it, but it kept coming out in awkward, squeaky sounds. Dad's lips were pressed together, but I could tell he was on the verge of losing it himself.

Mom was paler then snow.
"America, tell me you're joking. Tell me you didn't assault the prince."

I don't know why, but the word assault pushed us all on the edge; and May, Dad, and I bent over laughing as Mom stared at us.

"Sorry, Mom," I managed.
"Oh, good lord." She suddenly seemed very excited in meeting Marlee's parents, and I didn't stop her from going.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I was afraid I was wrong, that you would change your mind any second. I’ve been looking for a suitable alternative, but the truth is …”—Maxon looked me in the eyes again, unwavering—“there’s only you. Maybe I’m not really looking, maybe they aren’t right for me. It doesn’t matter. I just know I want you. And that terrifies me. I’ve been waiting for you to take back the words, to beg to leave.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I should have proposed that night in your room."
"I should have let you.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“America Singer, you get back here." He ran in front of me, wrapping an arm around my waist as we stood, chest to chest. "Tell me," he whispered. I pinched my lips together. "Fine, then I shall have to rely on other means of communication." Without any warning, he kissed me.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“It's the most wonderful and terrible thing that can ever happen to you," she said simply. "You know that you've found something amazing, and you want to hold on to it forever; and every second after you have it, you fear the moment you might lose it."
I sighed softly. She was absolutely right.
Love was beautiful fear.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“A lot of things are yours, America”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“...I want it to be as easy as breathing for you to say yes.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I know, I know. It's hard to explain. All I can say is that I've been given a second chance. Maxon matters to me, and I'm going to fight for him.":)”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I'm sure you would have stopped it if you could have."
"In a heartbeat.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I'd spare your tears for the rest of your life if I could.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“All I want is your promise to stay with me, to be mine. Sometimes it feels like you can't possibly be real. Promise me you'll stay.”
"Por supuesto. I promise.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“It was almost comforting, this mutual acceptance of our secrets.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I knew that, in my whole life, if I married Aspen or someone else, no one would ever make me feel this way. It wasn’t like I made his world better. It was like I was his world. It wasn’t some explosion; it wasn’t fireworks. It was a fire, burning slowly from the inside out.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I kind of wanted someone to rearrange the stars so they spelled out his words. I needed them big and bright, and somewhere I could see then when things felt dark. I love you. And I'm so, so proud.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“So he enjoys a girl who stands up to him," Dad said once we all calmed down. "I like him more already.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“It’s because I’m so good-looking, isn’t it?”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“The Angeles air was quiet, and for a while I laid still, listening to the sound of Maxon breathing.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“I remembered suddenly that Aspen had always been this way. He sacrificed sleep for me, he risked getting caught out after curfew for me, he scrounged together pennies for me. Aspen's generosity was harder to see because it wasn't as grand as Maxon's, but the heart behind what he gave was so much bigger.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“We danced. Remember? I was so proud to have you there, in my arms,in front of other people. Even if you did look like you were having a seizure.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“You were the one who changed us when you left me in the tree house; and you keep thinking that if you push hard enough, you can make everything go back to before that moment. It doesn't work that way. Give me a chance to choose you.”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

“The look in Marlee's eyes was triumphant, and the smile hiding behind her cup of tea said, 'Gotcha'!”
― Kiera Cass, quote from The Elite

About the author

Kiera Cass
Born place: in The United States
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