Quotes from The Demon King

Cinda Williams Chima ·  506 pages

Rating: (53.3K votes)

“Well, I believe she went in to rescue some Raggers from the pits,” Cuffs said. “She wasn’t all that specific.”
“She went in to rescue — why would she do that?” Amon gripped the ironwork, studying the streetlord’s face. Was he lying? And if so, what was the purpose?
“Guess she’s kind of taken with us,” Cuffs said. “You know, the glamor of the gang life and all. Getting beat up every other day, arrested for crimes you didn’t commit, long nights in gaol, sleeping in the cold and wet. It’s...seductive.” He raised an eyebrow.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“History,' Mari muttered, as if she'd overheard his thoughts. 'Why do we need to know what happened before we were born?'

'So hopefully we get smarter and don't make the same mistakes again.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“A vocation is not something you slap on, like a coat of paint, and change whenever you want. A vocation is built into you. You have no choice. If you try to do something else, you fail.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“Raisa felt relieved, yet oddly disappointed. She was the blooded princess heir, yet in servants' clothes she was apparently unrecognizable. In the stories, rulers had a natural presence about them that identified them as such, even dressed in rags.
What's the nature of royalty, she wondered. Is it like a gown you put on that disappears when you take it off? Does anyone look beyond the finery? Could anyone in the queendom take her place, given the right accessories? If so, it was contrary to everything she'd ever been taught about bloodlines.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“I need to go to parties, Raisa mused, so I don't think so much.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“Just a rat, she repeated to herself. After all, there were rats in the palace. Human and otherwise. Could be worse.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“There's too much to learn in a lifetime.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“I do try to get my own way, but I think it's because I'll never get my way on anything that matters”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“...she'd learned not to ask every question that cane to mind, knowing some things would be understood in their own time”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“Truth be told, Raisa had no intention of marrying anyone any time soon. Her mother was young—she would rule for many years yet, so there was no need to rush into the confinement of marriage.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“We train in strategy, geography, horsemanship, weaponry, that sort of thing. We study great battles in history and analyze the outcome. The”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

“-Esas botas están hechas por artesanos del clan- diría su madre-. ¿Sabes lo que cuestan?¿Piensas que me sobra el dinero?
El que no hubiera tenido que pagarlas carecía de importancia.”
― Cinda Williams Chima, quote from The Demon King

About the author

Cinda Williams Chima
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