Quotes from That Boy

Jillian Dodd ·  287 pages

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“She said, If I'm leaving with a broken heart, you're leaving with a bleeding nose.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“When I think about the kind of guy I want to marry, I think I might prefer someone who knows where they are going. I mean a prince pretty much has his whole life planned out already, doesn't he? And this is important because I have no idea where I'm going or what I want to do with my life.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Do any human beings ever realize life, while they live it - every, every minute?”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“I've been here for you all along. I've listened to you cry about other guys, I rescue you, take care of you when you're sick, hug you when you're sad, tell you you're beautiful when you look terrible.” He looks me straight in the eyes and is dead serious when he says, “Princess, I've always been the one.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“College is so awesome! It's really too bad they try to ruin it with classes!”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“We're all busy people and it's easy to get so wrapped up in life, that we forget to live.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“You know life is weird. There are times I feel so grown up and like I know everything I need to know, but then I think about the future and realize how little I do.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Come on Princess," he sighs, as he scoops me up off the sand and carries me to my room. "I'm not going to be able to sleep, unless I know you're safe.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Maybe I'll just give up on boys. Okay, maybe not. I mean they're just so cute!”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“But then, Phillip reminded me of something that happened so long ago, I had completely forgotten it. He reminded of when we were ten, and he gave me my first kiss. We were on the swings out behind school, and right after he kissed me, he got up and ran away. Then all of a sudden, he stopped, turned around and yelled back, Will you marry me someday? And I yelled back to him, YES! And so he said that if people ask, I could tell them that we've been secretly engaged for the past twelve years. And so,.. you will probably all think I am very crazy, but I had to say YES again tonight!”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“How come a boy can be so stupid, but a Daddy, who actually used to be a BOY himself, can be so wonderful?”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“I haven't met anyone that made me want to stay with them, more than I wanted to go and rescue you.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Staying mad is easy. Forgiving someone takes guts.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“What can I say,” he rolls his eyes at me, “you made me play your knight in shining armor for so long, I just can't seem to get it out of my system.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“That's it! Victoria's Secret and I are through!”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“It seeems like so long ago but I'm sorry I yelled at you after the party"

"I doubt it'll be the last time" he chuckles.


"Well, at least I hope it won't be the last time because it would mean you weren't with me

I roll my eyes at him. I don't get mad at him often. Just when he disagrees with me.

"I'll always love my princess" He smiles."Even when she's mad at me.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Speaking of tongues, they are the main reason I'm a nervous wreck. Ryan is a senior and well, sadly, I'm not all that experienced with boys. I mean, I'm a freshman and have been to dances with boys my age and even have gone out with boys, but I've never really kissed them. Not like I hope to kiss Ryan anyway. Bobby Robinson did shove his tongue into my mouth one time, when we were kissing under the bleachers at a football game, but it didn't feel so good. I'm pretty sure he didn't have it exactly right. So I talked to my friends, Katie and Lisa, about how to properly make out. But, well, here is just a bit of their unhelpful advice.
Just let him take the lead, do what ever he does.
Um, couldn't that get me into a lot of trouble?
Just sort of kiss his tongue, but try not to drool.
Don't open your mouth too wide.
And then, just open your mouth wide.
Stupid, conflicting information.
And this from girls who supposedly know how to do this!
I feel like I'm an undercover CIA agent trying to wrestle vital information out of a ruthless double agent, and the fate of the free world depends upon it. All the while, the President is yelling at me in a panic, saying, Somebody! Anybody! Just get me the truth!”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“En algún lugar, mi príncipe está esperando.Ja.En realidad, no creo que él esté esperando. Creo que está escondiendose de mí.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Don't think you can get rid of me that easily. As long as I'm around, you'll never be alone. I do have my reputation
to uphold as your, uh, very, close friend, you know. Heck, I'm going to be around so much, you'll probably be begging me to leave.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Because I grew up around Danny and Phillip, I discovered the truth about the male language very early in life. What I learned is there are three basic responses that most guys will use when shouldered with the major task of having to answer the question, How do I look? by the fairer sex.
Although I have never confirmed it, I am convinced that boys are taken aside in school, probably in fifth grade when the girls watch the film about getting their periods, and are taught the following three responses:

You look like shit. (Translation: You look bad. Just go back to bed and start over tomorrow. I really shouldn't be seen with you like this.)

You look fine. (Translation: You look good enough to be seen with.)

You look hot. (Translation: I want you.)

They also must teach them there is only one acceptable variation to these responses and to use it sparingly. The variation is simple. They just throw a REALLY into the sentence. The following are examples I have witnessed:

JJ, you REALLY look like shit. (Translation: You must be very hung over, or sick, or having an extremely bad hair day. I really don't want to be seen with you.)

REALLY, JJ, your hair looks fine. (Translation: Your hair looks the same to me as it always does, even though you spent an hour fixing it, so stop messing with it and lets go because you look good enough to be seen with.) And…

(Insert cheerleader's name here) looks REALLY Hot. (Translation: I REALLY want her.)”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“You won't need a jacket, Jay," Danny says, taking my hand. "I'm pretty sure I can keep you warm." God, am i swooning?”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“When his shirt hit the floor, I'm pretty sure my judgment walked right out the door.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Matt is grinning at me like I'm the new Christmas toy he really wanted, but can't play with yet because he hasn't read the instructions.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“She shocks the hell out of me when she asks, "Did you get engaged, Jade? She looks at me seriously. It's really hard for me not to just laugh hysterically in her face, but I refrain from doing so because I'm a good friend, and I realize that she's in distress. But her next question very nearly blows me away.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Do human beings ever realize life, while they live it - every,every minute? We're all busy people and it's easy to get wrapped up in life, that we forget to live.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Do human beings ever realise life, while they live it every, every minute.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“So what do you want?”
“I want you,” he repeats. “Go out with me for real, Princess.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“I always lose the guy!”
“Yeah, well that’s because they’re always the wrong guy.”
“And you think you’re the right one?”
“Yeah. I do. I’m the one,” he says, pointing to his chest.

“I've been here for you all along. I've listened to you cry about other guys, I rescue you, take care of you when you're sick, hug you when you're sad, tell you you're beautiful when you look terrible.” He looks me straight in the eyes and is dead serious when he says, “Princess, I've always been the one”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

“Mueve la cabeza de arriba abajo y frunce el ceño. - Ese es Matt Fuller. Es un sénior y nuestro Asesor promesa. -Me mira con los ojos entrecerrados y trata de leer mi mente.
- ¿En serio? - Sonrío demasido grande, porque ahora él sabe totalmente que estaba mintiendo acerca de la parte linda.
- ¿Cuándo? Estoy muy segura de que me acordaría de él. -Miro a Phillip con curiosidad.
- No lo recuerdo exactamente, pero creo que me vio cuando llevé en mis hombros a través del campus.- Phillip niega con la cabeza hacia mí-. Realmente no sé por qué dejo que te salgas con la tuya, con las cosas que haces.
- Porque soy irresistible, Phillip. - Sonrió y me encojo de hombros-. Tú no puedes ayudarte a ti mismo. Además, no fuiste por todo el campus, soló fueron unos cincuenta metros antes de que fingieras un ataque al corazón y te apoyarás en mi peso colapsando sobre mí en la hierba.
-Oh, sí. Lo recuerdo. Creo que has ganado algo de peso. - Golpeo su hombro.
Lo ignora y continúa -Ahora que lo pienso, creo que es cuando Matt te vió.
Me da una gran sonrisa. Justo ahora lo recordaba.
-Tu probablemente no te diste cuenta, porque estabas muy ocupada rodando en el césped conmigo.
- Estoy bastante segura de que estaba tratando de quitarte de encima de mí.
- Bueno, Matt no lo vio de esa manera puesto que me preguntó si tú eras mi novia.
-Oh Dios. ¿Qué historia inventaste está vez, Phillip?
Él sonríe. - Oh solo le dije que a pesar de que estas locamente enamorada de mí, no quiero estar atado, por lo que soló somos amigos. Por supuesto, lo que tendría que haber dicho es por favor solo llévatela, ella son muchos problemas de los que no valen la pena.”
― Jillian Dodd, quote from That Boy

About the author

Jillian Dodd
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