Edgar Allan Poe · 112 pages
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“To conceive the horror of my sensations is, I presume, utterly impossible; yet a curiosity to penetrate the mysteries of these awful regions predominates even over my despair, and will reconcile me to the most hideous aspect of death.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“As for Republicanism, no analogy could be found for it upon the face of the earth—unless we except the case of the "prairie dogs," an exception which seems to demonstrate, if anything, that democracy is a very admirable form of government—for dogs.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“It is evident that we are hurrying onward to some exciting knowledge—some never-to-be-imparted secret, whose attainment is destruction.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“The teeth!—the teeth!—they were here, and there, and everywhere, and visibly and palpably before me; long, narrow, and excessively white, with the pale lips writhing about them, as in the very moment of their first terrible development.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“É um facto que um homem engenhoso é sempre fantasista, enquanto o homem verdadeiramente imaginativo é, no fundo, um analista.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“I had done a deed—what was it?”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Nelaimei ir daudz seju. Ļaužu izmisumam ir daudzi veidi. Līdzīgi varavīksnei, tas liecas pāri plašajam apvārsnim, un tā veidi ir tikpat dažādi kā šī loka krāsas- tikpat izšķirīgas un tomēr saplūdušas vienotā mirdzumā. Liecas pāri plašajam apvārsnim kā varavīksne! Kā gan varēja gadīties, ka es minēju skaisto, lai izskaidrotu pretīgo, izvēlējos miera vēstnesi par salīdzinājumu postam.? Bet, tāpat kā ētiskos secinājumos ļaunums ir labā sekas, tā arī no prieka dzimst bēdas.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Jetez sur une étoile un rapide coup d'œil, regardez-la obliquement, en tournant vers elle la partie latérale de la rétine (beaucoup plus sensible à une lumière faible que la partie centrale), et vous verrez l'étoile plus distinctement; vous aurez l'appréciation la plus juste de son éclat, éclat qui s'obscurcit à proportion que vous dirigez votre vue en plein sur elle. Dans le dernier cas, il tombe sur l'œil un plus grand nombre de rayons; mais dans le premier, il y a une réceptibilité plus complète, une susceptibilité beaucoup plus vive. Une profondeur outrée affaiblit la pensée et la rend perplexe; et il est possible de faire disparaître Vénus elle-même du firmament par une attention trop soutenue, trop concentrée, trop directe.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Vai nu atmiņas par vakardienas laimi liek mums ciest šodien, vai arī šīsdienas ciešanu sakne meklējama pāri plūstošā priekā, kas varētu būt bijis.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Īstenība man likās kā maldu tēls, vienīgi maldu tēls, bet sapņu valstības rēgainie priekšstati savukārt kļuva par manas esības pamatu- tikai šinī valstībā nedalāmi ritēja mana dzīve.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Nenormālas jau savā būtībā- manas jūtas nekad nenāca no sirds, bet vienmēr no prāta.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Es baidos no nākotnes, pareizāk sakot, - no tā, ko tā nesīs. Nodrebu, domādams, ka ikviens, pat visnenozīmīgākais notikums var manas dvēseles satraukumu vērst neizturamu. Īstenībā es nebaidos no briesmām, bet no šausmām, ko tās izraisa. Savā nožēlojamā, drosmi paralizējošā stāvoklī jūtu, ka agrāk vai vēlāk pienāks diena, kad cīņā ar nepielūdzamo rēgu- BAILĒM, būs jāatsakās ne vien no dzīves, bet arī no saprāta.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“The look on his face frightened me terribly, but at the same time I was pleased not to be alone any more.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Un esprit tourné à la folie pouvait bien se laisser entraîner par de pareilles suggestions, surtout quand elles s'accordaient avec ses idées favorites préconçues”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“Son front, quoique peu ridé, semble porter le sceau d'une myriade d'années. Ses cheveux gris sont des archives du passé et ses yeux, plus gris encore, sont des sibylles de l'avenir.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“آدم هوشمند همیشه قوه خیالپردازی دارد، ولی آدمی که واقعاً قوه تخیل داشته باشد، در درجه اول یک متخصص تحلیلی است.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“salutaire dont l'action suppléait à l'énergie, commençait maintenant à refluer et à reprendre”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“هر عقیدهای که از دیگران رسیده و قبولشده باشد، فکر احمقانهای بیش نیست، زیرا بافکر اکثریت مردم سازگار آمده است.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“همیشه به عمقی زیادتر از حد لزوم فرورفتن فکر را ضعیف و تردید را زیاد میکند.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“آدمی فقط ازآنجهت کاملاً تسلیم مرگ میشود که ارادهای ضعیف و ناتوان دارد.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“نه در عمیقترین خوابها، نه در حال هذیان، نه در حال بیهوشی، نه در مرگ، نه حتی در درون گور، باز همهچیز از میان نمیرود، زیرا اگر جز این بود، ابدیت برای انسان وجود نداشت.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, quote from Tales of Mystery and Imagination
“I nuzzled them both to remind them that there was really no need to grieve, since I was okay and really a much better pet than Smokey ever was.”
― W. Bruce Cameron, quote from A Dog's Journey
“The intruder shifted his weight and pulled the knife back, aiming at Gabriel’s chest. The moonlight glinted off the sharp blade and Gabriel found himself backed up against a wall.
There was no escape. Gabriel was going to have to bear the pain of a knife through his chest. He could do it. He would wait until the knife entered his flesh and then he’d snap the Ashman’s neck in half.
Yeah. That was a good plan.
Just as the knife came toward Gabriel, the Ashman grunted and pulled back, taking a few wobbly steps before falling to the floor.
Nate stood to the side, his hands on a large sword jutting from the Ashman’s back. He yanked out the sword, leaving the stranger’s body limp.
Nate stepped toward the Ashman’s body, looking him over timidly.
Without warning, the intruder rolled over and pulled himself up off the floor. Nate jumped back, lifted the sword in defense, and made a loud noise that sounded something like, “Arrrhh!”
Still clutching the bloody knife, the Ashman looked back and forth between Nate and Gabriel. Seeing he was outnumbered, he turned and ran back through the destruction of the living room.Jumping out of the gaping hole from the missing living room window, the Ashman disappeared into the storm
A moment passed as Gabriel and Nate stared after their attacker, both of them out of breath.
Still badly bleeding, Gabriel turned to Nate and looked at the weapon he held. The sword was oversized, extra shiny and had a very ornate handle. “I don’t remember ever seeing that sword in our arsenal before.”
Hunched over and trying to catch his breath, Nate said, “That’s because it’s from my arsenal.”
“So, you just had that,” Gabriel nodded at the weapon, “laying around?”
Nate righted himself and shrugged. “I’m a Zelda fan.”
“Ah.” Gabriel nodded. “And the noise you just made?”
“That was my battle cry.”
“Really?” Gabriel winced as he took a step forward. “It sounded more like the cry of a wounded animal. A cat, maybe. Or a small monkey.”
“Shut up.” Nate looked at Gabriel’s bleeding torso. “Are you okay?”
― Chelsea Fine, quote from Awry
“Some men are more easily broken by kindness than censure.”
― Patrick W. Carr, quote from A Cast of Stones
“It’s funny how nothing really turns out the way we expect it to, no matter how certain the future seems. I guess we need to keep adjusting our dreams to fit”
― Cassia Leo, quote from Bring Me Home
“Hiding the person you are,' he said, 'won't make you happy. I never hide who I am. What I am.”
― Susanna Kearsley, quote from The Firebird
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