Quotes from Sought

Evangeline Anderson ·  363 pages

Rating: (7.2K votes)

“Heal me? You’re trying to heal me by rubbing your…by rubbing against me?” Kat didn’t even try to keep the skepticism out of her voice. “Yeah, right.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“What exactly do you think we’re trying to do here?” Deep demanded. “You think we want to fuck you?”

His rough words made Kat’s stomach clench. “I sure as hell hope not for your sake,” she said evenly. “You try it and I’ll knee both of you so hard you’ll be wearing your balls for bowties.”

“Bravely spoken, little Kat.” Deep had the nerve to sound amused. “But that isn’t what this is about at all. We just need to heal you.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Someone had your pain to take.” “And Deep volunteered?” For some reason Kat found tears in her eyes. “Why?” Mother L’rin put a hand on Kat’s arm and looked into her eyes. “Why do you think, child?” she said gently. “I d-don’t know.” Kat sniffed and blotted her eyes against the long sleeve of her toga-dress. “I honestly don’t. He hates me. Or at least he doesn’t like me very much.” “Himself he hates,” Mother L’rin said, releasing her arm. “Cleansed of his hate he must be before you bond.” “But I can’t bond with him and Lock. Don’t you see? It would never work out.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“It’s disgusting,” Kat said, still holding a hand over her nose. “I mean—oh!” Her foot slipped and she started to fall from the steps. Only Deep’s strong hand under her arm saved her. He pulled her back to her feet and gave her a quick shake. “Try not to injure yourself while we’re here—all right, sweetheart?” Kat stiffened and lifted her chin. “What do you care what happens to me? You just want to be free of me, right?” Deep’s black eyes flashed. “Just because I don’t want to be bonded to you doesn’t mean I don’t care if you—” “If I kill myself?” Kat finished for him, without thinking. To her surprise, instead of snapping out a sarcastic retort, Deep turned pale. “Don’t say that.” His voice was low and hoarse and for a moment, his eyes looked almost haunted. “Why not?” Kat stared at him, again having that niggling feeling that there was something important she ought to remember. But Deep only shook his head, and the moment passed.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“You’re ours now, little Kat, Deep sent her through the new and very permanent bond that had been formed in their joining. Mine and Lock’s forever. You mean…we’re bonded? Completely bonded this time? She looked up at him, uncertainty filling her lovely blue eyes. I hope you don’t mind, my lady, Lock sent anxiously. But it’s true—feel the depth of the bond between us. This connection is to the soul bond we shared previously as a rope is to a thread. It binds us tightly and permanently together. Lock’s right, Deep told her. I’m afraid there’s no going back. No going back? You idiots! Kat was laughing and crying at the same time as she pulled them both close again. I don’t want to go back! I just want to spend the rest of my life with the two most wonderful guys in this or any other galaxy. Oh? Deep raised an eyebrow at her. And who are they? Have we met them? You…Kat shook her head, still laughing through her tears. I swear one of these days I’m going to kill you, Deep. I’ve already died. He made his mental voice serious as he looked into her eyes. But I came back for you, little Kat. You and Lock. And to keep a promise. “A”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Sorry, honey, but this is sort of an emergency. I’ll be right back, okay?” “But…but I don’t really know anyone here,” Kat protested. “You’ve got your convo-pillar—you’ll be okay. Look, hon, I really have to go. You’ve never seen a mess like Take-mes in rut. They’re as mean as a bull with a porcupine up his ass.” Piper patted her hand. “You just stay right here and I’ll be back in two shakes.” And”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Kat lifted her chin, her heart pounding. “And what do you feel for me?” Deep leaned down until they were almost close enough to kiss. Looking into her eyes, he murmured, “Nothing. I feel nothing for you.” Kat sucked in a breath. It felt like someone had punched her in the gut and she couldn’t get enough air. “Oh,” she whispered. Deep nodded and straightened up to his full height. “Are you satisfied now, sweetheart? Can I go?” “You can go, all right.” Tears of pain and rage filled Kat’s eyes but she blinked them back fiercely. “Go straight to Hell!” Deep winked at her. “I prefer the Unmated Males section. There are so many more…distractions there.” “I don’t care where you go—as long as you’re back in time for our trip tomorrow.” Kat kept her voice steady though she wanted to sob. “So we can go get this damn bond cut once and for all.” Deep grinned insolently. “I wouldn’t miss it.” He sauntered out of the bedroom and through the suite. Kat”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Kat held herself in until she heard the front door whoosh shut behind him. Then the tears came—tears of shame and pain and embarrassment. Tears of rejection that stung worse than all the others put together. He really doesn’t care. Doesn’t want me. Putting a hand over her mouth, she sobbed. Lock was there suddenly, enfolding her in his arms and raining soft, consoling kisses on her hair. “Oh my lady,” he whispered brokenly. “I’m so sorry. So very sorry.” “I shouldn’t let him get to me.” Kat blotted her eyes against the back of her hand. “But I feel so stupid. Liv kept saying tonight that maybe he was just afraid to love me or that he felt unworthy.” She shook her head. “I’m the unworthy one.” “No, you’re not!” Lock took her face in his hands and looked at her earnestly. “You’re beautiful and intelligent and perfect. If only I could be free of him, I would bond you to me as quickly as I could. If you’d have me, that is.” Kat sniffed and straightened up. “Thank you, Lock. I wish I could,” she whispered. “But I can’t be with a man who doesn’t want me and there’s no way to separate the two of you. I’m sorry.” A look of sorrow passed over Lock’s face. “Will you let me hold you tonight, at least?” he asked softly. “Since tonight is the last night I’ll ever be able to do so?” Kat knew by now that he didn’t care about the pain the physical contact would cause him. “Yes.” Turning her head, she kissed his broad palm. “Yes, I’d like that very much.” “Thank you, my lady.” Lock swung her up into his arms and carried her back to bed. Kat”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Why, Kat.” Deep put a hand over his heart. “I didn’t know you cared.” Kat refused to rise to the bait. “You know I do,” she said quietly. “And just because you don’t, doesn’t mean I can turn it off just like that.” She snapped her fingers to illustrate her point. For a moment, Deep looked stricken. “Kat,” he said, stopping in his tracks. “Kat, I…” “What?” Kat stopped beside him and looked up at him, her heart pounding. Was he going to admit that he cared after all? From the corner of her eye she could see Lock’s face filled with hope. But Deep just shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he said in a low voice. “Sorry it has to be like this. But it does.” “All right.” Kat nodded stoically and began walking again. Let him do what he wanted—she wasn’t going to beg. And she wasn’t going to remain bonded to a man who didn’t want and love her—not even halfway bonded. It’s for the best, she told herself as they trudged closer to the monstrous gray building that Deep had called the Complex. We all need to be free of each other—it’s the only way. But her heart was sore and she found she couldn’t look at Deep as they walked. Not if she wanted to keep from crying.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Well, I’m not gone—I’m here with you.” Sophie pressed closer to him. “You got to me in time—you saved me, Sylvan.” “No, Talana,” he rumbled, kissing her again. “It was you who saved me. Without you I’d be dead inside.” “Hmmm,” she whispered, stroking his thigh. “You feel pretty alive to me.” “I’m going to get a whole lot livelier if you keep that up,” he warned. “That’s okay,” she murmured. “I don’t mind. I…” But she couldn’t finish—Sylvan was licking a long, slow trail down her neck. Sophie’s heart began to race as his warm, wet tongue caressed her sensitive skin. His big, hard body felt so good against hers and his mating scent was rising, enveloping her in pure lust. She tilted her head to one side, baring her throat. “Do it, Sylvan—I want to feel you in me.” “I never get tired of biting you,” Sylvan growled softly, lifting her so that she was straddling his hips.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Uh, well, I do enjoy meat. The only thing I’ve had to eat so far on Twin Moons is fruit.” “Bonding fruit.” Suddenly Rigid pulled her close and pressed his face to her neck. Kat tried to push him away but he held her tight, inhaling deeply. To her dismay, the heated lump she felt pressed against her thigh proved that he really lived up to his name. “Hey, let me go!” she gasped, pushing at his broad chest. It reminded her of the way Deep had scented her when they first met but this was different—strange. She couldn’t explain it but it felt utterly and completely wrong to have someone who wasn’t Deep or Lock touching her. Especially this intimately. “Hands off, you son of a bitch,” a deep, familiar voice behind her growled. “This female is spoken for.” “Deep?” Kat turned her head and saw him standing there, his black eyes blazing with barely controlled fury. “Oh, thank God! Help me—they won’t let me go!” “That’s because you just agreed to spend the night with them, teasing their cocks with your talented tongue.” “I said what?” Kat gasped as Deep pulled her away from the very irritated Rigid. “I did not! They just asked me if I liked eating meat and I said that yes, I did enjoy it.” “Is that what you heard them say?” Deep frowned as he hustled her away through the crowd. “Well, not in so many words,” Kat said, trying to keep up with him. “I mean, it was more like, uh…” She tried to think of exactly how Large had put it. “Something about discovering the joys of meat.” Deep raised one black eyebrow at her as he dragged her along. “You mean the pleasures of the flesh?” “Oh my God!” Kat shook her head. “But I had no idea that was what they meant. Look, could you please slow down?”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Just inside the front door, he collapsed, sliding down the wall to sit with his knees drawn up to his chest. She hates me now. Utterly and without a doubt. Hates me. Well good—that was what he’d wanted. Wasn’t it? Self loathing rolled through him in waves like nausea until he knew he was going to be sick. Heaving himself to his feet, he just made it to the bathroom in time to void the contents of his stomach. When he was empty, he splashed water from the sink in his face and rubbed his cheeks and mouth vigorously with a towel. Looking up into the viewer, he saw emptiness—a male with nothing left to lose. Nothing left because he’d just thrown away the most precious thing in his life. Thrown it away like a piece of garbage to lie rotting and festering in a dump. “I killed it,” he said aloud, addressing the hated face in the mirror. “Anything she felt for me is dead now.” But”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Oh please, Xairn. Please, no,” she whispered in a low, trembling voice. Clinging to him desperately, she buried her face in his neck. “Please…please don’t hurt me.” “You think I brought you here to torture you?” he demanded hoarsely. “To take pleasure in your pain?” “I…I don’t know.” The tears were coming now, hot and fast and there was nothing she could do to stop them. “Please, Xairn, please…” “I won’t hurt you,” he said roughly. “Lauren, look at me.” Reluctantly, she pulled her face away from his neck and looked up into those burning crimson eyes. “Yes?” “I won’t hurt you,” he repeated. “And I won’t let anyone else hurt you either.” “Not even your father?” she whispered. “Especially not him. I won’t let him have you.” His eyes blazed and a muscle in his jaw clenched. “And I won’t let him harm you.” “You…you won’t?” A rush of relief came over her so strongly she felt faint. “No.” Xairn shook his head grimly. “I don’t know how I am going to manage it, but I swear on my honor, I will take you away from this place unharmed and bring you back to your home planet. Do you understand?” “Oh Xairn!” She almost laughed through her tears. “I…I could just kiss you!” Throwing her arms around his neck she leaned forward impulsively and pressed her lips to his. They were surprisingly soft but before she could register much more, Xairn jerked away from the sudden contact. “Don’t.” His deep voice was harsh, strained. “Don’t ever do that again, Lauren. Or I can’t be responsible for the consequences. Do you understand?” Not really? Why did a simple kiss upset him so much? But she only nodded contritely. “I’m sorry. I’m just so glad. So glad you care about me enough to help me.” “Let”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Let us be clear about one thing.” He held her eyes with his. “You have aroused emotions in me—very strong emotions. But that is not a good thing.” Lauren stared at him uncertainly. “Do…do you mean that you hate me? Is that what you’re saying?” “Not hate, no.” He shook his head. “What I feel for you…let’s just say it will be better—far better—if those feelings are never explored or acted on.” “I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say,” Lauren said softly. “But I do want to thank you for promising to help me.” “There’s no point in expressing your gratitude yet—I haven’t even worked out a plan.” He sighed. “Until I do, I must pretend to comply with my father’s will. And you’re going to have to trust me. Can you do that?” Biting her lip, Lauren nodded hesitantly. “Yes, I trust you.” “Thank you.” He nodded gravely. “That means a great deal to me. And now I have to put you in one of these cells and secure the rest of the Complex before reporting back to my father.” “You’re leaving me alone? In here?” She couldn’t help glancing at the instruments of torture strewn around the surgery suite room again. “Nothing will harm you,” Xairn said, his rough voice almost soothing.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“The full-figured form which she recognized as her own was lying on one of the floating stretchers the Kindred kept for transporting the sick or wounded. The stretcher itself had been crammed into the back of a space shuttle and there was someone sitting beside her, holding her limp white hand. But it wasn’t Sophie or Liv. Lock, she thought with dismay, watching the large male who was carefully cupping her hand in his. And sitting in the front of the shuttle, at the controls, was his brother, Deep. Though”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Though they were twins, it was easy to tell the brothers apart. Twin Kindred always came in diametrically opposing pairs of light and dark. The light twin, Lock, had sandy blond hair and eyes the color of melted chocolate. He also had a more optimistic view of life in general than his brother. Of the two of them, Kat found him much easier to tolerate. He was nicer than Deep, for one thing, and she could actually have a conversation with him that didn’t turn into an argument. His feelings were easier to deal with, too. Though Lock’s desire for her was loud inside her head, it was nothing like the deafening blast of lust she felt from his brother whenever he got too close. Deep, the dark twin, had hair so black it almost had blue highlights and eyes the color of a night without stars. They seemed to burn when they looked at her, making Kat feel naked and vulnerable—feelings she didn’t care for a bit. She had enough body issues from having been plus-sized her entire life without an irritating alien male adding to them, thank-you-very-much. The big warrior had rubbed her the wrong way from the moment she’d met him—both literally and figuratively, since he couldn’t seem to keep his hands to himself when the three of them did a joining. Of the brothers, Lock was shorter by about an inch. But since both of them were over six foot six and extremely muscular, it didn’t make much difference. They were both huge as far as Kat was concerned—physically, and emotionally. She should know—she’d had the two of them tramping around inside her head for the better part of a month. The”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“As he deposited her gently onto her feet, Lauren reached up impulsively and gave him a tight hug. “Come back soon,” she whispered in his ear. “I’ll be waiting for you.” “I will come as soon as I can.” Xairn gently disengaged her arms from around his neck and when his face came into view, it wasn’t at all happy. “But you must stop touching me that way, Lauren. It…is not a good thing.” “Because it makes you feel?” she asked softly. Stiffly, Xairn nodded. “Yes. I must go now.” “All”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“You bastard!” Before she could stop herself, Kat slapped his cheek as hard as she could. Deep caught her hand before she could pull it back. “Very nice, little Kat.” Slowly, he drew the two fingers she’d used to touch herself between his lips, sucking and licking gently as though trying to get every last trace of her juices. Kat felt her heart skip a beat and then start to pound crazily against her ribs. Like it or not, she had to admit that the feel of his warm mouth on her flesh and the hot way he was looking at her was having an effect on her overheated body. “St-stop it,” she stuttered, trying to pull away. “Let me go.” “For now.” He released her hand and began shrugging back into his shirt. “But you’ll pay for that little love tap, my lady. I promise you that.” Kat”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“He knows I’m afraid to trust him. He knows he scares me. And that knowledge hurt him, somehow. Hurt him deeply. “I know you fear me,” Deep said, as though reading her mind. “But I swear I would never hurt you, little Kat. Please…will you let me bring you pleasure?” “Yes,” she whispered, giving in at last.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Now are you going to come out and let us help you or not?” “Forget it. I know what your idea of help is—both of you skewering me at once. I’m not about to become a sexual shish-ka-bob for the rest of my life just because I ate the wrong fruit by mistake.” “It”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Drop your weapons on the floor and march single file into the medical wing. Now.” “What makes you think we’ll comply?” Deep demanded. “There are two of us and only one of you. Even if you shoot one, the other will still kill you.” “You will comply because I won’t be aiming for you,” the Scourge said quietly. “I will set my sights on your female and I promise I will wound or kill her before either of you can kill me.” “You son-of-a-bitch!” Deep snarled, taking a step forward. Lock put a hand on his arm. “Deep, I don’t think we have any choice.” “Listen to your friend,” the Scourge advised. He frowned. “I do not like to make such dire threats. I wouldn’t if I could be sure of you.” “Sure of what? Because you can be damn sure we’ll carve you to pieces if you so much as touch our Kat.” Deep sounded like he was going into rage and Lock put a hand on his brother’s arm again. “Deep, please.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“And as for Twin Moons—the home planet of Deep and Lock—she definitely didn’t want to go there. Because that was exactly where the twin warriors wanted to take her. Earlier, on the Kindred Mother ship, she’d caught a few snatches of thought from them that indicated they were homeward bound—and they wanted her to come with them. Not on your life! Kat thought, watching from above as Lock held her hand and Deep steered the shuttle through the blackness of space. Once they got me there, I’d never get away from them. Talk about having the home field advantage! But”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Come out, Kat. I didn’t mean to frighten you, I was just…” He stopped and cleared his throat. Looking down at his boots, he continued. “I was angry when I saw you talking to those two unmated males.” There was silence on the other side of the door and then, finally, it opened a crack. “Is that your version of ‘I’m sorry?’” Kat asked, one blue eye appearing warily in the narrow opening. “It is.” Deep nodded, tightlipped and frowning. “And I don’t say it often.” “Or ever,” Lock murmured, earning a glare from his brother. “All right.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“My touch doesn’t seem to be stabilizing her anymore. What if we lose her before we land?” “We’re not going to lose her. We can’t—she isn’t ours to lose.” Deep spoke in a lazy drawl but his broad shoulders were bunched with tension as he hunched over the controls. “I wish you’d stop pretending you don’t care.” Lock stroked Kat’s hand. “Maybe if you’d let her know how you really feel instead of always putting up a wall—” “There”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Facing them with their mating scents washing over her didn’t help either. Lock’s was warm and comforting—the fresh coffee/clean laundry scent that tempted her to relax and trust him completely. Luckily, Deep’s mating scent counteracted it and put her on high alert. He exuded something that smelled like pure sex dipped in dark chocolate—sensuous, alluring…and dangerous as hell. It got into her head and made it hard to think. Any female in her right mind would think twice before trusting a scent like that, Kat thought, frowning up at him. “You”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Perhaps you know of her? Lauren Jakes?” The effect on Xairn couldn’t have been more profound if Lock had shoved a double barreled shotgun into his gut and pulled the trigger. “Lauren? You’re looking for Lauren?” He looked shocked at first, but then his voice dropped to a low, menacing growl and he seemed to grow bigger somehow. It reminded Kat of how Sylvan had looked when he went into rage while protecting Sophie. “Lauren is mine. She’s mine,” Xairn snarled. “And I do not intend to surrender her to anyone.” “So you do have her.” Lock’s voice was mild but his eyes were hard. “You bastard.” Deep glared at the Scourge. “What have you done to the poor girl? Or maybe I should ask if there’s anything you haven’t done. Is she even still alive?” Xairn’s red-on-black eyes flashed crimson. “Of course she is! Do you think me some kind of a monster?” “Actually, we do,” Deep said. “We know exactly how you Scourge treat your females.” Xairn lifted his chin. “Not me. I have never touched a female in anger—this I swear.” “What about lust?” Deep raised an eyebrow. “Ever touched a female that way?” Xairn looked suddenly ill at ease. “I…do not act on those emotions. I do not engage in the practices of my father and the rest of my people.” “We’ll believe it when we see it.” Deep’s black eyes narrowed. “Where is Lauren now?” Xairn bristled. “Someplace safe.” “Can we see her?” Kat asked. “I mean, can I see her? I’m no threat,” she went on softly, meeting his strange, burning eyes. “And I think if we could hear from Lauren herself that you haven’t hurt her, it would make it a lot easier for us to trust you.” Xairn looked at her appraisingly. “I suppose it couldn’t hurt to let another female speak to Lauren. But I will not tolerate another male near her.” He glared at Deep and Lock and then nodded at Kat. “Come with me.” She”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Come with me.” She stepped forward to meet him, only to feel an iron grip locked around her upper arm. “Like hell, she will.” Deep pulled her back behind him. “Deep!” she protested angrily but he ignored her. “We feel the same way about Kat that you do about Lauren,” he told Xairn, his voice a low growl. “If she goes, we go. It’s as simple as that.” Xairn frowned. “I suppose that is fair. But do not attempt to take Lauren from me. I have sworn that I will see her safely back to her planet but until then, I refuse to give her up to anyone.” “Even your father?” Lock said softly. Xairn’s eyes flashed crimson and his hands clenched into massive fists. “Especially him. Why do you think I need your help? He has four massive vat-grown guards with him. If they should catch us leaving I could only defend Lauren until I died. After that my father…” He shook his head. “I will not speak of it.” “Come on.” Kat shook free of Deep’s grip and gave him a glare which he returned with a blank expression.”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Almost there,” roared Deep. “Hold on, Brother. Keep her with us!” “I’m trying!” Lock’s voice sounded close to despair. “But she’s so still. She’s not responding.” “Fucking make her respond!” Deep ordered. “And be ready to run the moment we touch down. We’re taking her stretcher straight to the center of the garden. Directly to Mother L’rin herself.” “Yes, all right.” Lock nodded frantically, still working on her. “Please, lady Kat, if you can just hold on a little bit longer…” There”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Do I know you?” Her voice was muffled but understandable through the thick glass. “No, but I know you. Or I know of you, anyway.” Kat turned to Xairn. “Please let me in to talk to her. I’m not armed—you can pat me down if you want.” “No, he can’t!” Deep’s black eyes flashed possessively. “He won’t touch you or I swear to the Goddess—” “I will take her word that she isn’t armed,” Xairn interrupted coolly. “And I will allow her into the cell with Lauren. She has been missing human companionship. Perhaps seeing another of her kind will make her feel better.” “Thank”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

“Wait! Please, Mother L’rin,” she called and started to go after her. “She’s just going to tell you that the only solution is to let Lock and I bond you to us forever,” Deep said. “Is that really what you want to hear?” Kat stopped. “No,” she said, giving him a cool look. “No, most definitely not.” “I didn’t think so.” He smiled but it wasn’t a happy expression. “So it’s settled. We’ll head straight back to the Mother ship and get permission to go to the Scourge home world where we can break our annoying little bond. We’ll be free of each other before you know it.” “Wonderful,” Kat said flatly. “As easy as one, two, three.” “Exactly.” Deep nodded. “And if your pain comes back, just tell Lock or I. We’ll take care of you.” “You’re too kind,” Kat said, glaring at him. “But I feel fine—better than fine, actually. Great. Especially now that I know I’ll be getting away from you.” Turning, she stalked away. Tears were rising in her eyes again and she didn’t want to cry in front of either of the brothers. Especially not Deep—the heartless bastard. *”
― Evangeline Anderson, quote from Sought

About the author

Evangeline Anderson
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