Quotes from Surviving Raine

Shay Savage ·  351 pages

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“I loved mornings on the island. Fucking loved them. Emphasis on fucking.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Don’t touch me,” I clarified.
“Why not?”
Because I want it and I don’t deserve it.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I give you my life, my love, my soul,” I swore to her. “As long as I’m breathing, I’m yours.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“How the fuck was I going to survive with this annoying, smoking hot bitch that I simultaneously wanted to fuck and kill?”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Your…acceptance of me,” I said. “That’s really my favorite thing about you. I don’t know why you put up with my shit, but I’m glad you do.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“You want to know,” I corrected. “The problem with that is you can’t ever un-know something. If I tell you, and you don’t like what I have to say, I can’t take it back…”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I love you, and I need you to love me. I want it…so, so much…I need it. Even though I think it would be better for you not to care about me, I need you too much to turn away from it. I’ll never walk away from you, Raine, I swear – I’ll be with you as long as you will have me.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“You gave me something…no, someone…to live for. There was no reason for my existence before you.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I felt possessive, protective, and paranoid.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I don’t think I will ever believe I deserve you, but I love you more than I can even describe. I don’t know if I can ever…be better for you, but it you’re willing to keep forgiving me for being a complete idiot, I’m willing to keep trying.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Maybe I was in love with the idea of love.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Why don’t you lie down?” I asked.
“I’m not tired.”
“What does that have to do with it?”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Don’t say that word!” Raine cringed.
“What, c**t?” I laughed. “Why not?”
“It’s foul.”
“So am I,” I reminded her.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I don't understand this," I said softly. "I wanted to fuck you that first night on the raft, but that was just because I wanted to get off and you were there. I still want to fuck you, but the reasons are all different. I've never felt like this after sleeping with someone...or during it...shit. This didn't feel like I was fucking you...it was something else. I don't know what it is. I want to be with you, and touch you, and hold you. I have this overwhelming desire to protect you and make sure you're safe. Every time I look at you, it's like my chest gets crushed, and I just want to stare at you and hold on to you and tell you everything is going to be all right. I don't know what this is, Raine. I don't understand what you're doing to me."
I felt her fingers against my jaw and glanced down into her opened eyes. Fuck. She hadn't been asleep after all. Her mouth turned up into a beautiful smile, and her response ended me.
I love you too, Bastian.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Tell me you got me!”
“I’ve got you.”
“I’ve got you. Baby, you’re safe. Don’t be scared. I’ve got you.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“You're my home," I said quietly.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“If you call forth what is in you, it will save you. If you do not call forth what is in you, it will destroy you.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“When you look at me like that," I said softly, "it's like I'm looking at your soul, and you're looking into mine. You make me feel like I'm worth something when you look at me like that.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“She wasn’t going to let me out of it until I gave her some answers or fucking gagged her. I did want to gag her, but not quite in that way. I know – I’m fucking depraved.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I looked in the mirror, which was usually a mistake. This time was no exception.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Yeah, there is something you can do," I said coldly, turning my glare at her. "Come here and blow me. That would probably ease a bit of my tension - especially if you swallow.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Will you try to let me in, Bastian?" Raine asked. Her fingers traced over my jaw. "Just try? I won't hurt you-I swear I won't hurt you like that."

"You're already in," I confirmed.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“You make me calm,” I said quietly, “or at least calmer. How do you know how to do that? The way you touch me, the way you look at me…I don’t know what it means.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I give you my life, my love, my soul," I swore to her. "As long as I'm breathing, I'm yours. Even when I'm nothing than a fucked up dick, I still love you.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

Forgiveness is the fragrance of the violet which still clings fast to the heel that crushed it.

Raine’s eyes met mine again, her tears still staining her cheeks.

“I’m a heel, Raine,” I told her. “You’re my beautiful violet, and I’m always crushing you. You take away my nightmares, and I probably add to yours. I don’t think I will ever believe I deserve you, but I love you more than I can even describe. I don’t know if I can ever…be better for you, but if you’re willing to keep forgiving me for being a complete idiot, I’m willing to keep trying.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I held you," she said, her voice was tense and gaining in volume. "I held you, and you cried, and you asked me why no one had ever wanted you. You asked me why your own mother didn't want you. You asked me why it hurt so much and if I could make it stop hurting. I may not know a lot about you, but I know you aren't as much of a badass as you want people to think you are.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I like the way you look at me," I said seriously. "Sometimes when you do, your eyes light up, and I think maybe I could be Lucky enough for you to care about a fucked up asshole like me."
"That's love, you know," Raine said with a smile. "I see it in your eyes when you look at me, too.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Rained placed the palms of her hands on either side of my face and turned my head to look into her eyes. I was overwhelmed by whatever I saw there – I still didn’t know what it was, I only know I needed it.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“I don't recall telling you I was anything other than a lunatic.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

“Don't cry, Raine. Not for me." "Someone should," she said.”
― Shay Savage, quote from Surviving Raine

About the author

Shay Savage
Born place: in Wichita, KS, The United States
Born date November 18, 2018
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