Quotes from Strange Angels

Lili St. Crow ·  293 pages

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“Better to be strong than pretty and useless.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“You're not dead. You're too goddamn annoying to be dead.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I guess since the groin is the center of a guy's world, he rarely guesses it isn't the center of yours.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“It's dangerous and dirty and smells bad and--"
"Yeah, well, so is sex and drugs and everything else worth doing.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Did you feel me up when you were tying me down?"
"Um, no. Did you want me to?"
"Well, it would have been nice.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Why can't I have a normal girlfriend?" he asked the air over his head. "I finally meet someone I like and she turns out to be crazy.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“When you're wrecked, that's the only thing you can do, right? Hold on to whatever you can. Hold on hard.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I searched for something witty to say, settled for bare honesty. "I want to pee.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I've been bitten, beat up, tied to a bed, James Bonded out, and now you finish off by choking a goddamn teacher!”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“People don’t really want to know anything about you. They just want you to fit into their little predetermined slots.

They decide what you are in the first two seconds, and they only get nervous or upset if you don’t live up to their snap judgments.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“... I'd already shot a zombie. Maybe this smartmouth blue-eyed apple-pie boy would be next.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“His shoulder bumped mine again. "Can I ask you something?"

I didn't answer. He was going to ask me anyway. People don't say that if they don't want to pry something out of you.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Come on. Keep moving. Your lips are turning blue."
"Keep my lips out of this.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Jesus, you've got a death wish."
"Right now I have a bathroom-and-sleep-somewhere safe wish, kid.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Hello, Officer? Can you help me? My dad got turned into a zombie. You know, we’ve been travelling around getting rid of things that aren’t real, and this time they hit back. I really need someplace to stay – but can you make sure I have some holy water or something wherever it is? And some silver-jacketed bullets? That’d be sweet. Yeah, that’d be totally cool. Thanks. And while you’re at it, can you tell the guys with the straitjackets that I’m really sane? That would help.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I'm here to help you, fucking morons.
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I even poured him a glass of milk.
Call me domestic.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“What do you say when someone takes on a really bad ass, murdering sucker for you? There just aren't words for that.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“That's the funny thing about old hurts- they just wait for new heartache to come along and then show up, just as sharp and horrible as the first day you woke up with the world changed all around you.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Boys always get the best eyelashes; it's like some kind of cosmic law. And half-breed kids get some kind of extra help there from genetics, too.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“The smell of apple pies didn't quite fill the house, but it was there, a thread under everything else. It was kind of hard to take Christophe seriously when he smelled like baked goods. I wondered if other djampjir smelled like Hostess Twinkies and sniggered to myself.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I guess since the groin is the center of a guy's world, he rarley guesses it isn't the center of yours.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“If wishes were fishes, even beggars would eat”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I got a washed out version of Mom’s curls and a better copy of Dad’s blue eyes, The rest of me, I guess, is up for grabs. Except maybe Gran’s nose, but she could have been trying to make me feel better. I’m no prize. Most girls go through a gawky stage, but I’m beginning to think mine will be a lifelong thing. It doesn’t bother me too much. Better to be strong than pretty and useless. I’ll take a plain girl with her head screwed on right over a cheerleader any day.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“I thought I'd pay you a visit, my dear. Since you're so interesting."

My mouth shifted into high gear, leaving my brain behind. "You know, you're the second guy in a few days to call me that. You should be more creative.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Boys always get the best lashes; it's like some kind of cosmic law.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“He hadn't told me everything, but I'd left him for dead. I guess we were just about even.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Would I be as strong as that once I did that thing Christophe was talking about? Blooming? Would I smell like a bakery item? Or was that just him? Did he use pie filling for cologne?”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

“Graves scooched a little closer to me, and I didn't even think about it. I put my arms around him and hugged. I didn't care if it hurt my arm and my ribs and my neck and pretty much every other part of me, my heart most of all. When you're wrecked, that's the only thing to do, right? Hold onto whatever you can. Hold on hard.”
― Lili St. Crow, quote from Strange Angels

About the author

Lili St. Crow
Born place: in Mexico
Born date January 1, 1976
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