Quotes from Smokeless Fire

Samantha Young ·  358 pages

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“Sarcasm is such an unattractive quality in anyone but me.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“You really need to work on intonation when you use sarcasm. That way people will know when you’re being an asshole.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“That sounds suspiciously like you’re calling me a manwhore.”
“I am calling you a manwhore.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“I’m fine, Ari. Read the book.”
“If you’re sure?”
He shook his head, lowering his gaze again. “Ari, guys aren’t like girls. When we say we’re fine we actually mean it.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“There was nothing that could prepare a person for discovering they were a pawn in a war between mythical beings. Unless you know… you were Frodo.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Getting up from the table, shaking a little at her unraveling, Ari cuffed Charlie across the head. “Be nice.”
“Tell him to be nice!”
“I can’t,” she snorted, looking back over her shoulder at them. “If I did that he’d actually have to be nice… it would be like re-writing his entire personality.”
Jai grunted. “Funny.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“The Stars Are Not Wanted but the Sky Will Submit”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“How was it possible to miss someone when they were standing right next to you?”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“I...great, I can talk again."

"Well." Charlie shrugged. "Paradise can only last so long, right?”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Something about him made her pause. When his eyes glittered back at her from the shadows, Ari felt his gaze on her with a jolt, like sun peering through the crack in a curtain, waking one with burning eyes and a groan. It wasn’t unpleasant but it was unexpected and intense.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Do I get to choose
what she commands you to do? Come on, let me, it’ll be fun.”
Jai laughed humorlessly. “I said I don’t want her commanding me to do something asinine, kid.”
Charlie’s grin disappeared as quickly as it had surfaced. “I told you not to call me, kid, Jinn boy. I’m what… two years younger than you,
“Try five. And that’s only in physical years.”
“What, you trying to say I’m not mature?”
“Oh those socks you’re wearing definitely are. Have you heard of detergent? A shower? Hygiene?”
“I shower, you militant, glorified fucking babysitter.”
“Watch it, kid.”
“Kid? I am this close to taking a swing at you, you overblown piece of-”
“Oh for the love of God!” Ari cried, throwing her hands up, her head pounding. So much for their strained peace treaty. “Shut up. Shut up. Shut
up!”Despite their matching glowers, both of them slammed their lips closed and glared at one another. Ari heaved a sigh of relief as she pulled a
chilled can of soda out of the refrigerator. At least the soda still felt nice sliding down her throat. Not the same as an ice cold Coke on a blazing
summer day but still nice. She took a refreshing swig and turned towards her male companions once again. Blasts of frost shot out from Jai’s eyes
only to be met by the simmering black heat of Charlie’s angry gaze. Rolling her eyes and biting back the guilt that she was somehow responsible
for the animosity between the only two people she could count on right now, Ari spilled into the chair between them and Jai slowly sunk back down
into his.
“So what will I command you?” she asked quietly, ignoring the way her fingers trembled as she played with the tab on her soda can.
When she got no answer, she glanced up to see Jai’s face going red, the veins in his head throbbing.
“Dude, what’s wrong?” Charlie asked quietly, looking at Ari in alarm. “Is he choking?”
Ari’s heart flipped in her chest at the thought and she reached across the table to grab his arm. “Jai?”
His eyes widened and he waved a large hand at his throat and mouth and then pointed at her.
What the hell?!
“Jesus Christ, he can’t talk?” Charlie asked incredulously. “Is this a joke?”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“I've had my fill of Jinn for the day. And not the good gin that my dad has locked in his liquor cabinet. The creepy Jinn that took a bite out of my arm and destroyed everything I've ever known.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“I do not deal well with hysterical women.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Ari scoffed meanly, "God, between you and Charlie it's a wonder I haven't gone into frickin' dentistry."
"What does that even mean?"
She grunted. "It's like pulling teeth to get anything out of you two."

Jai shrugged, still looking bewildered. "We're guys."

Ari shook her head, hating everyone and everything at that moment. "You're asshats.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“How can I lean on you when you're lying down?”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“I don't want this heart, it's split in two.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“How do we exorcise one of the Jinn?"

He shrugged. "You got Yellow Pages?"
Jai snorted. "Yes, Ari. There are Aissawa Exorcists in the Yellow Pages."

Huffing, Ari walked away from him. "You really need to work on intonation when you use sarcasm. That way people will know when you're being an asshole."
"And you need to work on your gullibility."
"Well, I was under the impression you have no sense of humour so forgive me for believing everything you say."
"Well that should be fun."

"See!" she threw over her shoulder. "No intonation.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Jai sighed again."What is it about this kid?"
Disgusted by his seeming callousness,Ari shot him a dirty look."Don't you have any friends,Jai?"
She was suprised when he actually,glanced up to meet her eyes. "One."
She stopped frozen. "Yeah?" She smiled tentatively,amazed he actually oered something personal."What's he or she like?"
Jai rolled his eyes."He's...a friend."
"Wow,you're descriptive skills are outstanding...”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“What's the use of the wind if it won't take you away on it?”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“How much did bro tell you?"
"The White King.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“OK.So beside the possible extended lietime you live a normal human life? You what...you have an apartment in LA? A life? A car? A girlfriend?" she threw in.
Ari grunted."We're back to one word answers?"
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“there were moments throughout the whole day when she had to shake herself because she found her thoughts climbing over her like creeping ivy, scratching and biting into her skin and entangling her in their morbid clutch. Because... wasn't ot true now that not only was she not human but she was kind of a 'thing' rather than Jinn? The Seal was an object with no emotion or thought or feeling. It has one purpose. To command the Jinn. What did that really make her then?”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Tira y empuja demasiado, y mi Corazón se rompera.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Huffing in annoyance at the interruption, not only at Charlie, but at herself for being annoyed with Charlie, Ari nodded. “Jai, I command you to be able to talk again. Or whatever.” He made a face at the ‘or whatever’ part and cleared his throat. “I… great, I can talk again.” “Well.” Charlie shrugged. “Paradise could only last so long, right.” Getting up from the table, shaking a little at her unraveling, Ari cuffed Charlie across the head. “Be nice.” “Tell him to be nice!” “I can’t,” she snorted, looking back over her shoulder at them. “If I did that he’d actually have to be nice… it would be like re-writing his entire personality.” Jai grunted. “Funny.” Charlie chuckled. “I thought so.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“It was unrelenting and painful as it clawed and clouded his brain, reducing him to a saliva-ridden animal desperate to eviscerate the Jinn who dared to hurt what was his.

Young, Samantha (2011-10-19). Smokeless Fire (Fire Spirits) (Kindle Locations 5302-5303). . Kindle Edition.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Hysterical woman. That’s my cue to leave.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire

“Sarcasm is such unattractive quality in anyone but me.”
― Samantha Young, quote from Smokeless Fire


About the author

Samantha Young
Born place: The United Kingdom
See more on GoodReads

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