Quotes from Rosemary's Baby

Ira Levin ·  308 pages

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“Anyone who needs more than one suitcase is a tourist, not a traveler”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“Like so many unhappinesses, this one had begun with silence in the place of honest open talk.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“Anyone who needs more than one suitcase,” he said as he double-locked their door, “is a tourist, not a traveler.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“could anyone know when an actor was true and not acting?”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“Les gens qui ont besoin de plus qu une valise ne sont pas de vrais voyageurs, ce sont des touristes.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“A chance to sit quietly and find out who you are; where you've been and where you're going.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“—Todo aquel que necesita más de una maleta —dijo mientras cerraba con dos vueltas de llave la puerta de su apartamento— es un turista, no un viajero.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“They promised me you wouldn’t be hurt,” he said. “And you haven’t been, really. I mean, suppose you’d had a baby and lost it; wouldn’t it be the same? And we’re getting so much in return, Ro.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“They gave Mrs. Cortez a check for five hundred and eighty-three dollars—a month’s rent in advance and a month’s rent as security—”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“I’d like to have a spice garden some day,” Rosemary said. “Out of the city, of course. If Guy ever gets a movie offer we’re going to grab it and go live in Los Angeles. I’m a country girl at heart.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“Padded Wagon. The painters came on Wednesday the”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

“The thing to do was kill it. Obviously.”
― Ira Levin, quote from Rosemary's Baby

About the author

Ira Levin
Born place: in The Bronx, New York City, New York, The United States
Born date August 27, 1929
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