Quotes from Regency Buck

Georgette Heyer ·  368 pages

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“What is your name?"
"Again sir, that is no concern of yours."
"A mystery," he said. "I shall have to call you Clorinda."
"Judith! What the devil? exclaimed Peregrine. "Has there been an accident?"
"Judith," repeated the gentleman of the curricle pensively. "I prefer Clorinda.”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

“Lord Worth: 'I think you may be quite useful to me. The heiress has a brother.'
Captain Audley: 'I am not the least interested in her brother,' objected the Captain.”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

“If I were a man I would kill you!"
"If you were a man we wouldn't be having this conversation!”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

“There is always a thought of marriage between a single female and a personable gentleman, if not in his mind, quite certainly in hers.”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

“Miss Taverner took the whip and reins in her hands, and mounted into the driving-seat, scorning assistance.
"Take your orders from Miss Taverner, Henry," said the Earl, getting up beside his ward.
"Me Lord, you are never going to let a female drive us?" said Henry almost tearfully. "What about my pride?"
"Swallow it, Henry," replied the Earl amicably.”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

“Nothing is so destructive of female charms as contact with fresh air.”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

“You see, I am not pretty, not in the least, never was, and so I have to be odd. Nothing for it! It answers delightfully.”
― Georgette Heyer, quote from Regency Buck

About the author

Georgette Heyer
Born place: in The United Kingdom
Born date August 16, 1902
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