Quotes from Reflected in You

Sylvia Day ·  338 pages

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“The only way I'm keeping my hands off her is if I'm dead. Find another way to fix us.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I'd rather argue with you, angel, then laugh with anyone else.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“People get over love. They can live without it, they can move on. Love can be lost and found again. But that won't happen for me. I won't survive you, Eva.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I'll kill for you, give up everything i own for you...but i won't give you up.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I didn't know I was looking for anything until I saw you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“You’re the greatest risk I’ve ever taken.” His pressed his lips gently to mine. “And the greatest reward.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Don't leave me."
"Leave you? I'm going to marry you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I am obsessed with you, angel. Addicted to you. You're everything i've ever wanted or needed, everything i've dreamed of. You're everything. I live and breathe you. For you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Because of you, the world makes sense to me in a way it didn't before. I have a place now, with you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“You put me through hell. On purpose. Made me suffer. And there’s no end in sight. I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing, ace, but this Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde shit ain’t cutting it with me.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“He was my drug, and I had no desire to kick the habit.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I love you. Still not the right word, but i know you want to hear it.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I couldn't imagine that I'd ever fall in love again like I had with Gideon. For better or worse, he was my soulmate. The other half of me. In many ways, he was my reflection.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I'll catch you angel, i'll always catch you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“He caught me to him, his arms banded tight around me. His face pressed into my throat. "Where do we go from here?"
I held him. "Wherever this takes us. Together.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I WAS seriously hurt because of you. Seeing you in another guy's arms, kissing him... It shredded me, Eva. Cut me open and left me bleeding. I kicked he ass in self-defense.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I want you too much. I want you with me, in my life, in my bed. If i can have that, nothing else matters.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Actually, you know what? You keep thinking I'm God's gift to women, angel. It's better for me if you believe I'm the best you can get.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“What is it with you, sex, and modes of transportation?”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I kicked off my shoes and pulled his hand away from the wheel so I could straddle his lap and hold him. His grip on me was excruciatingly tight, but I didn't complain. We were on an insanely busy street, with endless cars rumbling past on one side and a crush of pedestrians on the other, but neither of us cared. He was shaking violently, as if he were sobbing uncontrollably, but he made no sound and shed no tears.

The sky cried for him, the rain coming down hard and angry, steaming off the ground.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Dark and Dangerous. And all mine.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Are you hurting anywhere else?" I asked, feeling so emotionally raw after the long night we'd had. He caught my wrist and pulled my hand down to press flat over his heart. "Here." "So am I." He kissed my fingertips, then linked our hands and led me...”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Sometimes love's not enough. And if it's not enough, what good is it ?”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“You think you can say a few words and end us? There is no end, Eva.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I don't need anything else. I get out of bed every morning and face the world because you're in it.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“Most suits made the man. Gideon did things to a three-piece suit that should've been illegal.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I go out of my way to make sure you don’t have any reason to feel jealous, but when you do get possessive, I like it. I want you to fight for me. I want you to care that much. I want you crazy about me. But possessiveness without trust is hell. If you don’t trust me, we’ve got nothing.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“As long as you understand the difference. People get over love. They can live without it, they can move on. Love can be lost and found again. But that won't happen for me. I won't survive you, Eva.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“What would I do without you?
You're never going to find out.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You

“I'm obsessed with you, angel. Addicted to you. You're everything I've ever wanted or needed, everything I've ever dreamed of. You're everything. I live and breathe you. For you.”
― Sylvia Day, quote from Reflected in You


About the author

Sylvia Day
Born place: in Los Angeles, The United States
Born date March 11, 2018
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