Quotes from Only the Good Spy Young

Ally Carter ·  265 pages

Rating: (55.8K votes)

“...nothing ever happens quickly (except when it does). Nothing is ever, ever easy (except when it is). And, most of all, nothing ever goes perfectly according to plan (except in the movies).”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Step 4: Cough and gag.
Step 5: Repeat Step 4 until it feels like maybe your lungs aren't inside your body anymore.
Step 6: Remember that a really cute boy is beside you, so try to cough in a far more attractive manner.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“How Not to Break Into Sublevel Two
(A list by Cameron Morgan, with help from Macey McHenry)


-Teleportation: Sure, Liz says she has an excellent working theory, but she doesn't have a prototype yet. And without a prototype it's pretty much a moot point.

-That thing Bex's parents did in Dubai with liquid nitrogen, an earthquake simulator, and a ferret: Because we don't have a ferret.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“I needed to see you. And touch you. And just... know”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“I tell you, I'm half tempted to break into CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon out of CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Tell me or I'll yell for Mr. and Mrs. Baxter, and you can find out how bex became bex”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Note to self: Rachel Morgan is a totally awesome liar.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“You look disappointed to see me, Zach," Macey teased. "Don't you like my jacket?”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“If you ever put a student at this school in danger again-'
'Oh, I thought you Gallagher Girls were immune to danger.'
Despite the hundred girls the filled the foyer, no one moved or gasped or tried to defend our honor. We stood silently, waiting for our headmistress to say, 'Oh, we are quite used to being underestimated, Agent Townsend. In fact, we welcome it.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Learn her skills, honor her sword, and keep her secrets.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Cammie!" I'll never forget the tone of Macey's voice in that moment. "Cam," she said slowly, moving toward me, "I know how it feels to be watched every second of every day. I know what it's like to trust fewer and fewer people until it seems like you are completely alone in the world. I know you think the only things that are left in your life are the bad things. I know what you're feeling, Cam." Her hands were on my shoulders. Her blue eyes were staring into mine. "I know.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Denying the undeniable just makes you sound like a fool as well as a liar.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“If we hadn't hated him a lot, we might have liked him a little at that moment. But we did. So we didn't.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Despite having known him for almost a year, there were a lot of things I still didn't know about Zachary Goode. Like how soap and shampoo could smell so much better on him than anyone else. Like where he went when he wasn't mysteriously showing up at random (and frequently dangerous) points in my life. And, most of all, I didn't know how, when he mentioned the jacket, he made me think about the sweet, romantic part of the night last November when he'd given it to me, and not the terrible, bloody, international-terrorists-are-trying-to-kidnap-me part that came right after”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“It is a little-known fact about covert operations that you will spend a lot of time with people you can’t really trust. They may be traitors and liars. We call them assets or informants. But mostly, in those days, I called him Zach.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Turn," Liz said, trying not to hide her impatience at being forced to read at non-speed-of-light pace.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“I know too well how dangerous hope can be, how it grows and sometimes dies, taking its host with it. It's more powerful than anything Dr.Fibs keeps in his labs, more precious than all the secrets inside Sublevel Two.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Aren't you going to introduce your little girlfriend to your mother?”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“That's good; don't deny it. Denying the undeniable just makes you sound like a fool as well as a liar. In this profession, you can be one- sometimes the other. But never both.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“So the quesiton is," Bex said slowly,"How far are you willing to go?"
I looked at my three best friends in the world. "How far is there?”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“Go to bed, Cammie,” my aunt ordered, sounding exactly like my mother.
“No,” I said, sounding exactly like my aunt.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“real strength is not hitting when what you most want to do is kill.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“There are many ways a self-respecting (not to mention sane) teenage girl might react to having a teenage boy suddenly in her bedroom in the middle of the night.
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“to know a piece of grass, you’ve got to see the ground that grew it. Maybe that’s why I remember every detail of that night, every inch of ground we covered, as I followed Zach to the place that had made him, seeing them both with fresh eyes.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“What was so important that I had to risk my friends' safety to sneak out here?" I demanded. "Huh? What was so -"
"I had to see you." He closed the space between us. His hands were warm from his pockets as they closed around my fingers. "I had to know that you were okay. I had to see you and touch you and... know."
He brushed my hair away from my face, his fingers light against my skin. "In London..." He trailed off. "After D.C. ..."
"I'm fine," I said, easing away. "CAT scans and X-rays were normal. No lasting damage."
Most people believe me when I lie. I've learned how to say the words just right.I have a trusting kind of face. But the boy in front of me was a trained operative, so Zach knew better. And besides, Zach knew me.
"Really?" He touched my face again. "Cause I'm not.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“I tell you, I'm half tempted to break into CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon out of CIA custody just so I can break Joe Solomon”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young

“seasoned operative should always check his or her perimeter at unexpected times and in unexpected ways.”
― Ally Carter, quote from Only the Good Spy Young


About the author

Ally Carter
Born place: in The United States
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