Quotes from Narcissus in Chains

Laurell K. Hamilton ·  644 pages

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“Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I knew from the moment I heard you, the moment I saw the gun and realized that this lovely, petit woman was the executioner, that you would never die waiting for me to save you - that you would save yourself.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Sticks and stones will break your bones, but failure will get you killed.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six. Funny how phallic objects are always more useful the bigger they are. Anyone who tells you size doesn't matter has been seeing too many small knives.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“You look wonderful", Jason said.
"No compliments, Jason. I'm uncomfortable enough in the lingerie."
"Then by all means take it off.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“The heart wants what it wants, Dolp. You don't plan on making your life complicated, it just happens,and you don"t do it on purpose, and you don't do it to hurt people who love you. It just turns out that way sometimes.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I did not run to him, but I did wrap my arms around him, press my ear to his chest, hold on to him as if he were the last solid thing in the world. He stroked my hair and murmured to me in French. I understood enough to know he was glad to see me and that he thought I looked beautiful. But beyond that it was just pretty noise.
It wasn't until I felt Zerbrowski behind me that I pulled away, but when Jean-Claude's hand found mine, I welcomed it.
Zerbrowski was looking at me as if he'd never seen me before. "What?" It came out hostile.
"I've never seen you be that ... soft with anyone before."
It startled me. "You've seen me kiss Richard before."
He nodded. "That was lust. This is ..." He shook his head, glancing up at Jean-Claude, then back to me. "He makes you feel safe.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I looked at Micah, who shrugged. I looked at Rafael, who shook his head. Nice that none of us knew why he was undressing.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I know the universe has a sense of irony, and sometimes you get reminded just how sadistic that can be.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“She stared up at me, and there was something in her eyes, something that said we finally had an understanding. She was afraid of me, and sometimes that’s the best you can do with people. I’d tried kindness. I’d tried friendship. I’d tried respect. But when all else fails, fear will do the job.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Sometimes the greatest wounds are the ones we try the hardest not to inflict.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Without hope, love dies and parts of you wither.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“If you’re alive, don’t move, if you’re dead, don’t worry about it.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“If it works out, it's the best thing in the world. If it doesn't work out, it's like having your heart torn out and chopped up into little pieces while you watch. It leaves a big hollow space that never really heals.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Anyone who tells you size doesn't matter has been seeing too many small knives.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Maybe you’re not willing to give up a lover who’s colder than you are. ”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“If you're too damn stubborn to let yourself cry, then your body finds other ways to let it out.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Every ruler should strive for his people to love him. But if they cannot love you, then make them fear you. Love is better, but fear will do the job.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Death cures all ills. Well, most of them.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I wasn't afraid of him anymore, because I could smell his fear. You never had to be afraid of anything that was afraid of you.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I thought of several alec smart remarks, but you should humor crazy people when you're at their mercy; it's a rule.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Richard was a riddle with no answer, and I was tired of playing a game I couldn't win.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“She was hell on wheels and used to getting her own way.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“How do you introduce boyfriend C to boyfriend A after boyfriend A has been such a good sport, of late, about boyfriend B, who is no longer in the picture?”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs.” You have to love Anita Blake… ...”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“One of the many reasons that Padma will always be a secondary power on the Council is his belief that all power must be taken, that all power must come through fear. True power comes when others offer it to you and you merely accept it as a gift, not as the spoils of some personal war.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“I hate being awake at three in the morning. It is the godforsaken heart of darkness when the body runs slow, and the brain runs slower, and all you want to do is sleep. But I had promises to keep, and miles to go before I could sleep. Or at least a couple of miracles to perform before I could go to bed.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“All men love to talk about themselves, even the ones who are completely buggers.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Somehow I think Trophy Wives wear more makeup and less cutlery. But... maybe I'm wrong. Maybe they know what I know, that the true way to a man's heart is six inches of metal between his ribs. Sometimes four inches will do the job, but to be really sure, I like to have six.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

“Make them fear you. Machiavelli said it nearly six hundred years ago, but it's still true. Every ruler should strive for his people to love him. But if they cannot love you, then make them fear you. Love is better, but fear will do the job.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Narcissus in Chains

About the author

Laurell K. Hamilton
Born place: in Heber Springs, Arkansas, The United States
Born date February 19, 2018
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