Quotes from Kitty's House of Horrors

Carrie Vaughn ·  292 pages

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“A lot of what we're doing here deals with perception rather than truth. Many would argue that reality depends more on the former than the latter.”
― Carrie Vaughn, quote from Kitty's House of Horrors

“People always sounded worried when I called them. Maybe because I only ever called a lot of them when I was in trouble and needed help. I needed to set up more lunch dates or have more parties, to cure people of the idea that a call from me automatically equaled danger. Then again, that was probably a lost cause.”
― Carrie Vaughn, quote from Kitty's House of Horrors

“You know why horror-movie characters always get killed? Because they've never seen horror movies. They don't know how it works. Right? But we do. So no one go into the basement alone. No one go screaming off into the woods alone. No one has any sex.”
― Carrie Vaughn, quote from Kitty's House of Horrors

About the author

Carrie Vaughn
Born place: in Sacramento, California, The United States
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