Quotes from Jurassic Park

Michael Crichton ·  399 pages

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“God creates dinosaurs, God kills dinosaurs, God creates man, man kills God, man brings back dinosaurs.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“The planet has survived everything, in its time. It will certainly survive us.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“God created dinosaurs. God destroyed dinosaurs. God created Man. Man destroyed God. Man created dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs eat man...Woman inherits the earth.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Let's be clear. The planet is not in jeopardy. We are in jeopardy. We haven't got the power to destroy the planet - or to save it. But we might have the power to save ourselves.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Living systems are never in equilibrium. They are inherently unstable. They may seem stable, but they’re not. Everything is moving and changing. In a sense, everything is on the edge of collapse.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Discovery is always rape of the natural world. Always.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“All major changes are like death. You can't see to the other side until you are there.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“You know, at times like this one feels, well, perhaps extinct animals should be left extinct.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Malcolm: A karate master does not kill people with his bare hands. He does not lose his temper and kill his wife. The person who kills is the person who has no discipline, no restraint, and who has purchased his power in the form of a Saturday night special. And that is why you think that to build a place like this is simple.
Hammond: It was simple.
Malcolm: Then why did it go wrong?”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“You know what's wrong with scientific power? It's a form of inherited wealth. And you know what assholes congenitally rich people are.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“And that's how things are. A day is like a whole life. You start out doing one thing, but end up doing something else, plan to run an errand, but never get there. . . . And at the end of your life, your whole existence has the same haphazard quality, too. Your whole life has the same shape as a single day.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“They don't have intelligence. They have what I call 'thintelligence.' They see the immediate situation. They think narrowly and they call it 'being focused.' They don't see the surround. They don't see the consequences.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Because the history of evolution is that life escapes all barriers. Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Ellie said, "Isn't it a little warm for black?"

You're extremely pretty, Dr. Sattler," he said. "I could look at your legs all day. But no, as a matter of fact, black is an excellent color for heat. If you remember your black-body radiation, black is actually best in heat. Efficient radiation. In any case, I wear only two colors, black and gray."

Ellie was staring at him, her mouth open. "These colors are appropriate for any occasion," Malcolm continued, and they go well together, should I mistakenly put on a pair of gray socks with my black trousers."

But don't you find it boring to wear only two colors?"

Not at all. I find it liberating. I believe my life has value, and I don't want to waste it thinking about clothing," Malcolm said. "I don't want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports."

Dr. Malcolm," Hammond explained, "is a man of strong opinions."

And mad as a hatter," Malcolm said cheerfully. "But you must admit, these are nontrivial issues. We live in a world of frightful givens. It is given that you will behave like this, given that you will care about that. No one thinks about the givens. Isn't it amazing? In the information society, nobody thinks. We expected to banish paper, but we actually banished thought.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“But now science is the belief system that is hundreds of years old. And, like the medieval system before it, science is starting not to fit the world any more. Science has attained so much power that its practical limits begin to be apparent. Largely through science, billions of us live in one small world, densely packed and intercommunicating. But science cannot help us decide what to do with that world, or how to live. Science can make a nuclear reactor, but it cannot tell us not to build it. Science can make pesticide, but cannot tell us not to use it. And our world starts to seem polluted in fundamental ways---air, and water, and land---because of ungovernable science.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Whatever it is you seek, you have to put in the time, the practice, the effort. You must give up a lot to get it. It has to be very important to you. And once you have attained it, it is your power. It can't be given away : it resides in you. It is literally the result of your discipline.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Nobody is driven by abstractions like 'seeking truth.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Discovery, they believe, is inevitable. So they just try to do it first. That's the game in science.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“I believe my life has value, and I don't want to waste it thinking about clothing . . . I don't want to think about what I will wear in the morning. Truly, can you imagine anything more boring than fashion? Professional sports, perhaps. Grown men swatting little balls, while the rest of the world pays money to applaud. But, on the whole, I find fashion even more tedious than sports”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Grant knew that people could not imagine geological time. Human life was lived on another scale of time entirely. An apple turned brown in a few minutes. Silverware turned black in a few days. A compost heap decayed in a season. A child grew up in a decade. None of these everyday human experiences prepared people to be able to imagine the meaning of eighty million years - the length of time that had passed since this little animal had died.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“They believed that prediction was just a function of keeping track of things. If you knew enough, you could predict anything. That's been cherished scientific belief since Newton.'
Chaos theory throws it right out the window.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“People were so naive about plants, Ellie thought. They just chose plants for appearance, as they would choose a picture for the wall. It never occurred to them that plants were actually living things, busily performing all the living functions of respiration, ingestion, excretion, reproduction---and defense.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“You've never heard of Chaos theory? Non-linear equations? Strange attractors? Ms. Sattler, I refuse to believe you're not familiar with the concept of attraction.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“Increasingly, the mathematics will demand the courage to face its implications.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

“And entertainment has nothing to do with reality. Entertainment is antithetical to reality.”
― Michael Crichton, quote from Jurassic Park

About the author

Michael Crichton
Born place: in Chicago, Illinois, The United States
Born date October 23, 1942
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