Quotes from Juliet Immortal

Stacey Jay ·  306 pages

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“Real love has little to do with falling. It's a climb up the rocky face of a mountain, hard work, and most people are too selfish or too scared to bother.
Very few reach the critical point in their relationship that summons the attention of the light and the dark, that place where they will make a commitment to love no matter what obstacles-or temptations- appear in their path.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Is that love, do you think?" he asks, sounding genuinely curious. "Being crazy about someone no matter how much they hurt you?”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“I love you. I want to do everything with you. I want to marry you and have kids with you and get old with you. And then I want to die the day before you do, so I never have to live without you.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Love doesn't want people to stay ignorant and frightened. Love doesn't value obedience over all else. Love doesn't judge and find some lives--or loves--more valuable than others. Love doesn't use people and throw them away. Love stays, and makes you stronger, even when the person you love is gone.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“She will fight for light, and he for dark,
Battling through the ages for loves sweet spark.
Wherever two souls adore truly, you will find them, lo,
The brave Juliet and the wicked Romeo.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Fear can force obedience, but it can never transform a heart.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“He is a romantic, a dreamer, and never afraid to play the fool. He is fearless and reckless and brave and I love him for it. Desperately.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“No. I don't care if I'm not the first." His head tilts and his lips move within a whisper of mine. "As long as I'm the last.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“We're soul mates," he says. "We are forever. Our kind of love cannot be destroyed.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“What is he planning to do with that quarter? Hurl it at my face and hope to put an eye out? With Romeo anything can become a weapon─love, trust . . . loose change.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Because the part of me that remembers what it was like all those lifetimes ago still cares for you .. loves you.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“And I know that I am. I am his moon, and his brightly shining star. I am his life, his heart. I am all that and the answer to every unspoken question, the comfort for every hurt, the companion who will walk beside him from now until the end of our lives, reveling in the bliss of each simple chore done in his name, overflowing with beauty because I am blessed to spend my life with my love.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Soul-mated pairs are becoming an endangered species.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Do you believe in love at first sight?"
His smile fades, but when I lay my hands on his chest he doesn't pull away. "No, I don't."
"Me either," I say. "I think we'll need at least three days."
"Three days?"
"To fall in love."
His smile-his real smile, the crooked one that lights him up from the inside out-breaks across his face. He throws back his head and laughs. When he finishes, his arms are around me again and a familiar gleam is in his eyes. "You're very sure of yourself."
"No, I'm sure of you." I curl my hands into his coat. "Of us”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“I know you've been through hell, but you didn't let it eat you up inside." He pauses, hugs me a little closer. "And I know you make me think the hell I've been through was worth it . . . if it's what made me recognize heaven when it jumped into my car.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Seven, ten, fifteen, eighteen years old and still there is nothing finer than a blank sheet of paper, the white promise that the world can be what I make it. A magical place, an adventurous place, a possible place. Erasers take away the mistakes. Another coat of paint to cover them up. Black and red and purple and blue. Always Blue.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Real love has little to do with falling. It's a climb up the rocky face of a mountain, hard work, and most people are too selfish or scared to bother.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“One human life, a human heart freely given--it's the greatest gift anyone can give.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“...real teenage boys aren't like characters in the books you read. They smell funny and are obsessed with video games and say dumb things. They're still learning, just like you.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“I take his hand and pull him back to me, stealing another kiss, smiling against his lips as he kisses me back.
And kisses me again.
And then some more.
And I know he is mine. For now, for the rest of our lives, no matter what comes next.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“He hesitates only a moment before pulling me close, arms tightening around me, mouth meeting mine the same way it did before. Purely, sweetly, wickedly, perfectly. He sighs against my lips, a sound of such relief it echoes through my skin, making me smile and our teeth bump together. I know exactly how he feels. How it feels to come home, to find sanctuary, to be handed that missing piece that makes life not something to be endured, but something to be celebrated.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“We believe the only truth is a truth discovered. Not told.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“She blushes like a rose in bloom, though I ripped her up from the roots long ago.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Don't you dare. Don't you run away from me." He holds me tight, his fingers pressing into my back. "I'm listening. You're not Ariel. Then what should I call you? I don't care. I'll love you no matter what name you want me to use.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Despite the love songs humankind churns out like butter, true lovers don't come together every day. As the Mercenaries ply their trade--destroying hope, crushing compassion, inciting war and violence--soul-mated pairs are becoming an endangered species.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Get me meat. Lots of it. Meat on meat”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Despite the love songs humankind churns out like butter, true lovers don't come together every day. As the Mercinaries ply their trade - destroying hope, crushing compassion, inciting war and violence - soul-mated pairs are becoming an endangered species.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“Kimi zaman aşk için mücadele etmenin sadece öfke, umutsuzluk ve ölmemeye çalışmak olduğunu unutmak kolay. Kimi zaman harika bir şey.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

“I am always alone, pretending to be someone else or lost in a vast emptiness. I miss life. I miss conversation and laughter and shared joy and hurt. I miss dancing and painting. I miss waking up to a day with no evil in it - at least, none that I can see.”
― Stacey Jay, quote from Juliet Immortal

About the author

Stacey Jay
Born place: in Shreveport, Louisiana, The United States
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