Quotes from I, Michael Bennett

James Patterson ·  383 pages

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“You string people along long enough, the string withers, then it breaks - Seamus”
― James Patterson, quote from I, Michael Bennett

“You string people along enough, the string withers, then it breaks - Seamus”
― James Patterson, quote from I, Michael Bennett

“Because frying bacon is how we stoic Irishmen say I love you.”
― James Patterson, quote from I, Michael Bennett

“Her eyes, they shone like diamonds I thought her the queen of the land And her hair, it hung over her shoulder Tied up with a black velvet band.”
― James Patterson, quote from I, Michael Bennett

“love New York City from the Battery to the Bronx, but”
― James Patterson, quote from I, Michael Bennett

About the author

James Patterson
Born place: in Newburgh, New York, The United States
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