Quotes from Hemlock

Kathleen Peacock ·  404 pages

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“You can't lose what you never had.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“People lied. That's just what they did.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“If he's dead, I'll never forgive you." I suddenly felt cold and frail and horrible numb.
Jason's reply was so soft that I almost missed it." I wont forgive myself, either.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“He shook his head. "You didn't do anything. It'd be like blaming a tornado for ripping through a trailer park. The tornado's just minding its own business. It can't help what it is."

A tornado. Something that destroyed everything in its path. A natural disaster. Me.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Jason straightened his shirt. “What’s ‘chauvinistic’ mean?”
“It’s in the dictionary next to a picture of your father,” muttered
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“I was too scared to open my eyes. It was the logic of a child; if you don't open your eyes, the monster won't see you.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Kyle took a deep breath, like he had picked up on the question I hadn't asked. That was one of the differences between him and Jason: Kyle always gave just as much weight and consideration to the things I didn't say as to the things I did.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Tell me it's not true."
He sighed. "Fine. It's not true."
And yet...
"Are you lying?"
He rolled his eyes. "Of course I'm lying."
"Not cool." I muttered.

Kyle shrugged. "I didn't want you to start hyperventilating again." His hair fell over his eyes and he brushed it aside. "I figured annoying you was safer than admitting anything.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Are you alright?" he asked warily. "Sure," I lied as I turned and headed for the stairs. So softly that only a werewolf could hear, I added, "You can't lose what you never had.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Hoisting my brick, I aimed at the white werewolf's head and threw as hard as I could. The brick collided with the wolf's skull and then bounced to the ground. It let go of Kyle and barked out a surprised yelp just as I realized my plan didn't have a step two.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Kyle is my best friend. Why would I risk screwing that up?"

"Mackenzie Catherine Dobson, have you learned nothing from romantic comedies? Do I need to make a trip to the video store?" Tess set her fork down and sighed. "'We're just friends' is the oldest plot device in the book. All it really means is that you're just friends until one of you get the balls to do something about all the unresolved tension.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“He turned to face me and his eyes widened. "Are you crying?"
He sounded a little panicked, like the sight of a crying girl was scarier than anything that had happened over the past forty-eight hours.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“I can't believe I let you talk me into this," muttered Serena, as the number 16 bus rumbled over the bridge connecting the north and south sides of the town.

"I didn't talk you into anything," I reminded her as we reached Jason's neighbourhood and began passing a string of progressively nicer - and larger - houses. "You invited yourself along."

"Okay, then I can't believe you didn't talk me out of this.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“What a surprise. That boy doesn't have the sense God gave a cactus.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“It had never occurred to me that I could lose Amy twice, but that's what it felt like. It felt like I was losing her all over again.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“He kissed me. And then he said it was a mistake."
Serena wrapped an arm around my shoulders. "Normally, I'd quote that copy of He's Just Not That Into You I picked up at a yard sale but-”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Did it ever occur to either of you that maybe MAC doesn't need protecting? That maybe MAC finds your he-man acts both insulting and chauvinistic? In case you haven't noticed, MAC is pretty good at taking care of herself. "
Kyle cleared his throat. He looked exhausted and wary.
"Why are you talking about yourself in the Thrid Person?”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“If sharks could smile, they'd smile like he was now.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Here, eat this. The chicken gives it protein and I got them to hold the bacon bits."

We'd watched Charlotte's Web on cable last week, so I knew it'd be at least a month before she would eat pork again.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“Girlfriend? That's cute." Some people yelled when they got angry. Jason got sarcastic. Always. " Are you taking her to the dance next month? You should probably call ahead; I'm not sure if they let pets in-even ones that are house-trained.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“What the hell is your problem?" Sputtered Jason, pushing his wet hair back from his face.
"Oh I don't know. One minute you're kissing my girlfriend and the next you're throwing her down a hill.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

“I wrenched myself free and stumbled away. This wasn’t happening. My life was not becoming one of those torrid teen-angst shows on cable.”
― Kathleen Peacock, quote from Hemlock

About the author

Kathleen Peacock
Born place: Canada
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