Quotes from Hard Magic

Larry Correia ·  423 pages

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“You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot further with a smile and a gun. A smile, a gun, and a Brute get you the key to the city. —Al “Scarface” Capone, Interview, 1930”
― Larry Correia, quote from Hard Magic

“When I get those types, the men who just need to control everything, to tell everybody else what to do, I stick it in and break it off. I’m fighting for freedom.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Hard Magic

“She had not liked the German at first, but she decided that that was just because he had shot her to death.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Hard Magic

“It was a rare man you could trust with either a Thompson or a general ledger.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Hard Magic

“Everybody thought they were in the right. The evilest bastards he had ever met had still thought of themselves as the good guys.”
― Larry Correia, quote from Hard Magic

About the author

Larry Correia
Born place: in El Nido, California, The United States
Born date January 1, 1977
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