Quotes from Forbidden

Jana Oliver ·  418 pages

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“The End is Nigh!" the man shouted.
"Is there still time for hot chocolate?" Riley asked.
The-End-is-Nigh guy blinked. "Ah, maybe, I don’t know.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“I can't face losin' ya, Riley. Yer all I got left in this world.”
That brutal honesty again. He'd peeled away more armor, and this time he'd exposed his heart.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“Ya called Fargo yet?”
“No, I’ve been too busy trying to destroy the Guild and corrupt Simon’s soul. Being evil is a full-time job.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“The Prince of Hell shrugged. 'Shit Happens”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“You could have let that thing flatten me, but you didn't. Why?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
She was too tired to edit her mouth. “You're my master. I couldn't let that thing kill another trapper, even if I think he's a total asshat.”
Harper looked at her for a long time then cracked a toothy grin. “And you're one mouthy bitch, but you're my apprentice. I don't need the reputation that my people die because I don't protect them.”
That was fair.
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“Riley found her friend studying the contents of one of the store's display windows. It was full of sparkle. “How do you catch this thing?” he asked.
She dug in her bag, pulled out a sippy cup, and handed it to him.
“You're joking, right?” he said. “You trap demons with cups that have dancing bears on them?”
She glowered at him. “See the glitter in the bottom? Klepto-Fiends can't resist it.”
He held up the sippy cup and compared it to the exquisitely cut diamonds in the store window.
“Wanna bet?”
And I brought him along why?
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“Girl? He pressed.
The name is Riley, she shot back. Learn it. Use it!”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“I promised Paul I'd keep ya safe, he said. If that means packin' yer ass out of town so it doesen't get humped by a smooth talkin' loser, that's the way it's gonna be.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“You can't carry the world on yer shoulders, broad as they are.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“What about Beck?"

"Backwoods Boy? Are you crazy? It'd be a threesome - me, him and his overbearing ego. Definitely doomed to failure.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“Find Dad
Bust Holy Water Scam
Save the World
Buy Groceries
Do Laundry”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“For they both were solitary,
She on earth and he is heaven.
And he wooed her with caressed,
Wooed her with his smile of sunshine
-Song of Hiawatha, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“You will be my downfall, Riley Blackthorne.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“You need to look hot now that you've got three guys giving you the eye.""
"Sweet blue-eyed blond trapper... Muscled blond trapper number two, who buys you cards... And that gorgeous, 'Where have you been all my life' dude with the raven-black hair and dark eyes.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“Accept that I enjoy being with you. Accept that when I'm with you I see Heaven in your eyes.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“I could stay here forever."

"But you won't."

"Maybe I will.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

“Simon had
been all lined up and he’d managed to throw away the best girl he’d ever meet.
“What a dumbass,” Beck muttered. “No way I’d have done that.”
― Jana Oliver, quote from Forbidden

About the author

Jana Oliver
Born place: in Iowa, The United States
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