Quotes from Finding Abigail

Carrie Ann Ryan ·  0 pages

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“You are grown, Abby, dear. You’re amazing. I don’t know why you don’t see that.” “But, that’s just it. I do see that. I know I’m amazing and that people should get over the past and see that I’m an adult who likes to dance and not just knit. They need to get over the fact that my parents always fought and don’t even know who I am anymore. They need to know that I’m not the goody-goody they think I am. But that’s not going to happen in a town where everyone knows the exact brand of tampons I use and when I need to buy them.” Jordan curled a lip and shook her head. “That’s just sick. You know, that was one part of small-town living I didn’t miss.” “Yeah, just wait until they make a connection to when you stop buying them. Because believe me, they’re watching to see when you and Matt make a mini Cooper.” She laughed at her own joke, even as Jordan’s eyes widened. “You’re kidding, right? We just got married.”
― Carrie Ann Ryan, quote from Finding Abigail

“Tyler?” Brayden asked, and Tyler shook his head to clear thoughts that were going way too fast for him. “Sorry, yes, we’ll just deal with my issues now,” Tyler finally answered. “But, whatever it is that’s bothering you, I hope you know I’ll help if you need it.” “I don’t know if I like this new caring-brother thing you’re doing.” “Hey, I’ve always been caring, just a bit of an ass at times.” “At times?” Brayden smiled.”
― Carrie Ann Ryan, quote from Finding Abigail

“Third step, get to know her surroundings so she could get out of there. Or at least try. That’s what the heroine always did, right?  And they said romance novels never taught anyone anything. She’d prove them wrong. And get the heck out of there.”
― Carrie Ann Ryan, quote from Finding Abigail

“She really needed to stop reading romantic suspense because now horror stories from authors like Shiloh Walker were on her mind and a little too vivid for what she needed at the moment.”
― Carrie Ann Ryan, quote from Finding Abigail

“Tyler had bandaged her burns, and she had soothed his bruises. They hadn’t made love, though she knew they’d both wanted to. But sometimes those aches and pains were a little too much to get in the mood.”
― Carrie Ann Ryan, quote from Finding Abigail

About the author

Carrie Ann Ryan
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