Quotes from Fashionably Dead

Robyn Peterman ·  323 pages

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“I'm twenty-nine, happily single and getting it on a regular basis' I said, enjoying the way their thin lips hung open in an impressive O.

'Well I've never,' Jane gasped.

'Clearly. You should try it some time. I understand Mr Smith is so vision impaired you might have a shot there.'

Their appalled shrieks were music to my ears and I quickly made my escape.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“Do you mind if we leave here so I can chain smoke 'til I throw up so it will be easier to quit?”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“Life happens whether we are ready or not—the only choice or control we have is whether or not we will rise to meet its challenges.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“I figured since I’d arrived in Crazytown, I may as well take off my coat and stay a while.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“Do not mess with my friends, myself or my Prada.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“jumping up and down like a Mexican jumping bean on crack.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“I was speechless. Rare for me, but if anyone was capable of shocking me to silence, it was my mother.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“When you die, the only things you leave behind are memories in the minds of those who loved you. That was how you lived on.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“Ready does not factor into the equation, Angel. Life happens whether we are ready or not—the only choice or control we have is whether or not we will rise to meet its challenges.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“What is she?” I asked him. He paused and considered my question. “She’s a bitch. A horrible, horrible bitch.” He looked down at her and laughed. “But she’s my bitch.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“I’m not ready for all this.” “Ready does not factor into the equation, Angel. Life happens whether we are ready or not—the only choice or control we have is whether or not we will rise to meet its challenges.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“Oookay, that was seriously confusing, especially the part about the Warrior Prince being a taco stand,” I laughed, trying to thaw the icy chill in the room.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“He was so delighted when I bested him that he slapped me on the back and sent me flying into a tree, which I knocked down. It was a hundred year old oak.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“Hear it smells like road kill in ninety degree weather on that side of the building,”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

“I was just pissy and bored and horny and lonely. It was a bad combination. Bad.”
― Robyn Peterman, quote from Fashionably Dead

About the author

Robyn Peterman
Born place: The United States
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