Quotes from Eversea

Natasha Boyd ·  358 pages

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“How did he look at me?" I whispered, suddenly craving validation of Jack's feelings from anyone but myself and my subjective imagination.

Joey sighed, resigned. "Like you were the last chopper out of Baghdad, the last IV in the field hospital, the last funnel cake at the fair. Jesus, I don't know.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“If I'd known you were in my future, I would have chosen differently.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“You have a habit of carrying me up stairs". I laughed nervously as he effortlessly ascended.

"I'm part caveman, you know, I can't help it. Something about you brings it out in me.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“He was like a bright and beautiful rogue planet. He pulled the entire galaxy into a gravitational wobble until he got close enough to suck you in and tilt your axis head over heels.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“If you had chosen differently, you would have never found me.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“You know you're in the Lowcountry when the steering wheel in your old red pick up is slippery from humidity, the news on the radio is all about the projected path of the latest Atlantic hurricane and the road kill you narrowly miss smearing further is a five foot long alligator.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Great. I get to meet Jack Eversea, the Jack Eversea, and I act like a complete imbecile. It was so good Jazz wasn't here, she would have clobbered me by now. For that matter, she would have clobbered him and dragged him back to her lair.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“I was never one to pull a band aid off slowly. Besides, we could be struck by lightning right now and I don't think I'd feel it or care. I want you inside me, Jack. Now. Not slowly, but like right now.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“The truth of the matter was no boy I knew lived up to the fantasy I’d created from the many books I’d read, and I wasn’t going to settle.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“The upside of fall was the tourists had gone home. The downside was the county stopped spraying for mosquitos and no-see-ums, so the little fuckers got to gorge themselves in a type of 'eat local' frenzy.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“I plugged my ear buds into my phone and put Keane on shuffle. Those boys always knew how to speak to my mind.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Because I might melt. Literally. ANd because I may never survive it.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“My tight black spaghetti-strap dress threaded with gold was a tad short. And by short, I mean it was like wearing a belt. I’d bought it with the idea of branching out from my usual Keds and jeans and pairing it with leggings. But no, not tonight. If I dropped anything, it was going to stay on the freaking ground.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Jazz: I just squealed out loud at the traffic light. Ppl looking at me weird. OMG—can’t believe convo we just had! But seriously, if he breaks your heart, I’ll break his beautiful face—See you this PM. Xoxoxox”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“If I couldn’t handle these almost moments, then I decided I should just turn them into moments. If I was going down, I might as well go down hard. I stepped a little closer.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“I had zero excuses to continue hanging out with Jack Eversea. I had to head home. I also had to figure out how to stop referring to him by his full name in my head.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“How did I get here? I was just minding my own business and someone lobbed a grenade into my life 0 in the form of Jack Eversea.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“He was glorious in his perfection, like a dark angel.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Home to a girl’s most secret fantasy. I just hoped said fantasy had managed to find a t-shirt.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Hot shame swarmed over me at the naive, star-struck, and broken hearted little girl he saw me as. And it made me mad as hell.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“And yes, she had a laminated list of her top ten sexiest men who she apparently would always be allowed to sleep with even if she was married.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“After they hatch, they can get distracted by bright and artificial lights and instead of meeting their destiny, they are lured to their deaths.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Oh my God! What was I going to do? How did I get here? I was just minding my own business and someone lobbed a grenade into my life—in the form of Jack Eversea.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“I narrowed my eyes, making a colossal effort to keep them on his face and not stray down his glistening ... I slipped just once ... yes, glistening chest. Seriously?”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“The upside of fall was the tourists had gone home. The downside was the county stopped spraying for mosquitos and no-see-ums, so the little fuckers got to gorge themselves in a type of ‘eat local’ frenzy.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“you only live once, so do everything twice”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“To some, whose idea of seaside towns included the blue water of Caribbean or the clear emerald green of the Florida Panhandle, the colors of the Lowcountry could be a little dull. But to me, they were beautiful. Soothing. It was real.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea

“Out on the water, I could breathe and think.”
― Natasha Boyd, quote from Eversea


About the author

Natasha Boyd
Born date October 29, 2018
See more on GoodReads

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It happens. Will it go on? ----
My mind a rock,
No fingers to grip, no tongue,
My god the iron lung

That loves me, pumps
My two
Dust bags in and out,
Will not

Let me relapse
While the day outside glides by like ticker tape.
The night brings violets,
Tapestries of eyes,

The soft anonymous
Talkers: 'You all right?'
The starched, inaccessible breast.

Dead egg, I lie
On a whole world I cannot touch,
At the white, tight

Drum of my sleeping couch
Photographs visit me ----
My wife, dead and flat, in 1920 furs,
Mouth full of pearls,

Two girls
As flat as she, who whisper 'We're your daughters.'
The still waters
Wrap my lips,

Eyes, nose and ears,
A clear
Cellophane I cannot crack.
On my bare back

I smile, a buddha, all
Wants, desire
Falling from me like rings
Hugging their lights.

The claw
Of the magnolia,
Drunk on its own scents,
Asks nothing of life.”
― Sylvia Plath, quote from Ariel

“I got up on my feet and went over to the bowl in the corner and threw cold water on my face. After a little while I felt a little better, but very little. I needed a drink, I needed a lot of life insurance. I needed a vacation, I needed a home in the country. What I had was a coat, a hat and a gun. I put them on and went out of the room.”
― Raymond Chandler, quote from Farewell, My Lovely

“And now we’re learning how to fall in love together. I don’t care what any one else says. I
love you. I’ll always love you, no matter what happens with us in the future. I love you now and
forever. - Kyle”
― Jasinda Wilder, quote from Falling into You

“No amount of lies, no matter how cleverly couched, will ever outstrip or outlast God’s truth, nor will any lie ever outreach His grace. The Lord knows those who are His, His sheep hear His voice, and the arm of the Lord is never so short that He cannot save.”
― Frank E. Peretti, quote from Piercing the Darkness

“He was stupid. If I killed everyone who was stupid, I wouldn't have time to sleep.”
― Tamora Pierce, quote from In the Hand of the Goddess

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