Quotes from Dead After Dark

Sherrilyn Kenyon ·  373 pages

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“He's right. I'm a worthless bastard fathered by a bastard even more worthless than I am." [Fury]”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“If Sasha’s threatened, Astrid’s upset. If Astrid’s upset, I’m going to kill whatever’s upsetting her until she’s happy again. (Zarek)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Fuck you. (Dev)
Thank you so much for the offer, but while you do have a certain feminine quality in your demeanor and a remarkable head of hair that any woman would envy, you’re far too hairy for my tastes. No offense. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I’m going. But before I do, let me congratulate all of you on your stupidity. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“You know him? (Papa Bear)
I used to. But if you guys want to chop him up and make hamburgers out of him, I wouldn’t mind in the least. Hell, I’ll even go get the grinder. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“You look like shit. (Vane)
Yeah, well, I wouldn’t date you either, asshole. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Interesting, isn’t it? What do you have to say about that, Fury? (Savitar)
They’re on crack. (Fury)
Anyone else on crack? (Savitar)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Whatever. But we’re watching you, Wolf. (Colt)
Then I’ll try not to piss on the floor or hump the furniture…your leg, though, might be another matter. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Good grief, Fury, warn me if you’re going to jump in here naked. (Bride)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Count yourself lucky. I watched my entire family as they were eaten alive by the very pack of animals you have downstairs in your house with your child. The blood of my parents flowed from their bodies through the floorboards and drenched me while I lay in terror of being torn apart by them. I was only a year older than your child when it happened. My parents gave their lives for mine and I watched as they gave them. So you’ll have to excuse me if I have a hard time thinking good of any animal except those who are dead or caged. (Angelia)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Nothing that passes between us will ever be wrong. Come back to me.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Shut up, sod off, and let me in. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“You know what really kills me over this is that I’ve never seen two animals act more human. What kind of Romeo-Juliet bullshit are they playing anyway?
Hell if I know. He says she’s the only one who understands him. Given the girly way he’s been acting lately, I actually agree with that ‘cause I definitely don’t get any of it. If he starts wearing lipstick and pink, I vote we take him out and shoot him. Put his whiny ass out of my misery.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“We have another confession from Dare Kattalakis. Going once, going twice…are there any more confessions in the room? Anyone else want to admit to shooting a lion? Didn’t think so. (Savitar)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Then I’ll do some digging. (Fury)
You just can’t help this kamikaze streak you have, can you? (Sasha)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“The smile he gave her was wistful, just a little lift to his mouth. "You are a fighter."

""Yes. Always. And sometimes I'm a whole army.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Wait your turn, Lion, or I’ll be wearing your eyeballs as jewelry. (Savitar)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I can’t believe you were going to call me a liar and take my place under the guillotine. Next time I try to save you, woman, you better stay saved. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I warn you now. Anything happens to my mate or my son, we will hunt you down and rip you into so many pieces they’ll never find all of you. (Vane)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I’m an Aristos. I don’t think you want to tangle with me. (Angelia)
Like I give a shit. I’m a god, baby, so in the grand scheme of things, if I wanted to rip your head off and use it for a bowling ball, there’s not many who could stop me and most of those who could would be too afraid of me to even try. (Zarek)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Chaos and love when hand in hand and oh, the glorious grace of the world because of it.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Well hell. Her heart was melting and she'd never get the fickle organ back to a normal shape again.”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Since when does a dog care about what it humps? (Dev)
I could go so low with that that even the gutter would envy us, but…I know what you’re trying to do. You’re trying to provoke a fight with me so that you can legally turn me away. I really, really want to give you that fight, too, but I have to see Sasha and it can’t wait. Sorry. We’ll have to hump and fight later. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“It’s for Carson. (Margery)
And I repeat what I said. Just what I need, a bunch of drunk fucks working on me. Remind me not to do anything stupid tonight. Oh wait, I’m here. Too late for that warning, huh? (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I’m just doing a favor for my brother. (Fury)
That’s what I told myself, too. But the problem with family, they get you into shit and then abandon you to it. Or worse, get themselves killed off. (Sasha)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Why are you helping me? (Fury)
I don’t know. Apparently I’m having a moment of extreme stupidity. (Angelia)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I didn’t need your help. (Angelia)
Believe me, I’m well acquainted with your willingness to stab and kill in cold blood. (Fury)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“We were innocent victims. (Angelia)
Yeah, and I’m the tooth fairy. (Bride)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“Will you accept me? (Fury)
No, I’m here naked with you because all my clothes fell off by accident and I can’t find them. (Angelia)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

“I’m not an animal. I don’t pretty on people’s families to get back at them. (Angelia)
Oh, girl, trust me. Animals don’t revenge-kill or –attack. That’s purely human. So in this case, you better act like an animal and guard her with your life. ‘Cause that’s what I’m going to take if she so much as gets a paper cut in your presence. (Vane)”
― Sherrilyn Kenyon, quote from Dead After Dark

About the author

Sherrilyn Kenyon
Born place: in Ft. Benning, The United States
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