Quotes from Danse Macabre

Laurell K. Hamilton ·  517 pages

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“Friends don't count the cost of favors.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Still it might be nice, once in a while, not to have to choose between evils. Just once, couldn't I choose the lesser good?”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Feelings are never stupid, they just make us feel stupid sometimes.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“I'm pro-choice because I've never been a fourteen-year-old incest victim pregnant by her father, or a woman who's going to die if her pregnancy continues, or even a teenager who made a mistake or a rape victim. I want women to have choices, but I also believe that it's a life, especially once it's big enough to live outside the womb.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“How could you love someone and not want them to be happy?”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“It would be nice if you’d stop almost killing me because you don’t want to screw other peo­ple.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Auggie said you were too sentimental for your own good sometimes."
Out loud he said, "Perhaps, but you have taught me that sentiment is not always a bad thing."
I stared up at that impossibly beautiful face, and felt love swell up inside me like a physical force. It filled my body, swelling upward until it made my chest ache, my throat tighten, and my eyes burn. It sounded so stupid. But I loved him. Loved all of him, but loved him more because loving me had made him better. That he would say that I had taught him about being sentimental made me want to cry. Richard reminded me at every turn that I was bloodthirsty and cold. If that were true, then I couldn't have taught Jean-Claude about sentimentality. You can't learn, if you don't have it to teach.
He kissed me. He kissed me softly, with one hand lost in the hair to the side of my face. He drew back and whispered, "I never thought to see that look upon your face, not for me."
"I love you," I said, and touched his hand where it lay against my face.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“I'm dating three men, living with two more, and having occasional sex with two others. That's seven men. I'm like a pornographic Snow White. I think seven is plenty.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“When I was younger, I'd wanted someone to promise me that things would work out and nothing bad would ever happen again. But I understood now that that was a child's wish. No one could promise that. No one. The grown-ups could try, but they couldn't promise, not and mean it.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Ma petite is not a subtle woman. Unless you say it, she will not understand it.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Richard has informed me he is shopping for his white picket fence. I'm happy behind my black wrought iron fence. The one with the pointy spikes on top. White never really was my color.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Senin soyunun güçleri arasında soyunmayı gerektirmeyen bir şey var mı?
Anita Blake s.131”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“who me?"
anita blake series
by: Laurell K Hamilton”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Sono un succubo. Sono una vampira che invece di succhiare sangue si nutre di sesso, e se non mi nutro assorbo l'energia di Damian e di Nathaniel, col rischio di ucciderli. Io stessa morirei senza nutrirmi. Credo che Jean-Claude possa proteggere se stesso e Richard da me. Nonostante questo, potrei ucciderci tutti se non imparassi ad amministrare il mio triumvirato di potere.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“He looked like some primitive golden god hunted to death.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Orospu çocuğu kan emicilerle çıkmaya başladığından beri bana hiç bir konuda tüm gerçeği anlattığına inanmıyorum Anita'
'Politik olarak doğrusunu söylemek gerekirse,senin o orospu çocuğu kan emici dediğin vampir, ST Louis'nin Şehir Efendisi Dolp'
'O seninde efendinmi Anita?'
'Şehir Efendisinin insan hizmetkarımısın?”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Richard has informed me he’s shopping for his white picket fence. I’m happy behind my black wrought-iron fence. The one with the pointy spikes on top. White never really was my color.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“«E' indispensabile che Cenerentola partecipi al ballo, ma petite.»
«Nathaniel dice che non sono Cenerentola: sono il Principe Azzurro.»
Sorridendo, Jean-Claude mi strinse brevemente nel suo abbraccio. «E' probabile.»
Sì, mi stava lusingando, e glielo permisi”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“«Sento che, qualunque cosa io dicessi o facessi in questo momento, tu ne saresti turbata.»
Nessuno mi aveva mai detto in modo più diplomatico che ero una rompicoglioni.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“«Sapevo che sei molto difficile ed esigente prima ancora che diventassimo una coppia.»
«Stai dicendo che sapevi in quale guaio ti stavi cacciando?»
Jean-Claude annuì. «Come qualunque uomo quando decide di amare una donna. Ci sono sempre misteri e sorprese in ogni rapporto d'amore, ma... Sì, avevo una certa idea del guaio in cui mi stavo cacciando, e mi ci sono cacciato volontariamente, bramosamente.»”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“Ma petite and I have labored long together to form the love that you have gained by subterfuge.’ He turned and looked at Auggie. ‘I was your friend, but you have used your arts to make me feel for you what you have not earned. But I, like ma petite, know how to love and not be a prisoner to that love. You can win, or steal, our love, but you cannot steal a true relationship with us; that must be won.”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

“«Come si può amare qualcuno e non desiderarne la felicità?»”
― Laurell K. Hamilton, quote from Danse Macabre

About the author

Laurell K. Hamilton
Born place: in Heber Springs, Arkansas, The United States
Born date February 19, 2018
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