Quotes from Broken

Nicola Haken ·  404 pages

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“Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I fell in love with you at your worst. I’ve had some of the best times of my life with you at, as you say, your worst. So I can’t even imagine how special life will be when I get to experience your best.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“Solitude is addictive. Once you discover how peaceful it is, you no longer want or need to deal with people anymore.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“Maybe that’s why I write romance. I’m a dreamer at heart. If I can’t have it in real life, I’ll live it on paper instead.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I’m too much. Too broken. Life is better alone. I like it that way.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I live my life balancing on a set of scales, the slightest weight tipping me into darkness. The problem is each time that happens, they never quite rebalance.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“The darkness still looms over my head, threatening to rain down on me. Some days it does, only now I have people there to help me dry off before it seeps into my bones.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“It never gets easier. Somehow, grief becomes a routine part of life. It never leaves, you simply learn to live around it. Looking”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I’m so fucking happy right now. It’s an emotion I’d almost forgotten and I refuse to let it go.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“broken crayons can still colour. I’ve”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“To me, I see scars of courage. Inflicting them gave him the strength to survive the pain that's plagued him all his life. I'm grateful to every one of them because he's still here, with me.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“People hear the words mental illness and immediately think crazy. But he’s not crazy, and there’s no reason you can’t have a happy and positive relationship like anyone else.” “You”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I fell in love with you at your worst. I've had some of the best times of my life with you at, as you say, your worst. So I can't even imagine how special life will be when I get to experience your best.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I did just make an arse out of myself though. I bumped into the hottest guy I’ve ever seen in the toilet and just stared at him like some kind of moron. Think David Gandy but younger.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“It’s amazing how powerful a smile can be, even a forced one. It’s all it takes to fool people into believing you’re not falling apart inside.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I'm not just a reader or a writer; I inhale written words like they're my oxygen. It's not a hobby. It's a passion. People intrigue me. Life intrigues me. I see a story behind every pair of eyes I meet, history in every voice. I'll see someone wearing a smile and wonder what put it there. Words allow me to immerse myself in a whole other world. I get to become a different person.”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

“I’ve being the operative word there. Nobody is capable of getting through this life alone, James. When your boat is drifting from the shore, it’s okay to use an anchor for support. We all need an anchor. Without people to love us, we’d just drift further and further away.” “What”
― Nicola Haken, quote from Broken

About the author

Nicola Haken
Born place: in Manchester, The United Kingdom
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