“Broken hearts healed. Maybe the cracks were always there, like thin scars, but they healed. People lived and worked, laughed and ate, walked and talked with those cracks
For many, even the scars healed and they loved again.”
“ A woman with romance in her life lived as grandly as a queen, because her heart was treasured.”
“squats are a form of torture designed by people who don’t need to do squats in the first place”
“-If you were a girl,Jack said to Dell, I'd marry you.
-No. You'd just have sex with me then never call me.”
“-The little things,Emma. The gestures,the moments. And the big. I let him see my heart. I gave it to him,even when I believed he couldn't or wouldn't take it. I gave it anyway-a gift. Even if he broke it. I was very brave. Love is very brave.”
“I don't think you tell someone you love them because you expect something. I think you tell them because you have something to give.”
“Do you want to fix it?"
"I just said I was in love with her. Why wouldn't I want to fix it?"
"You want to know how?"
"Goddamn it, Del." He drank again. "Yes, since you're so fucking smart. How do I fix it?"
Jack blew out a breath. "I can do that".”
“Love can really screw you up before you figure out how to live with it. And once you do? You wonder how the hell you ever lived without it”
“Nodding, Parker ate. “He’s an exceptional kisser.”
“He really is. He . . . How do you know?” When Parker just smiled, Emma’s jaw dropped. “You? You and Jack? When? How?”
“I think it’s disgusting,” Mac muttered. “Yet another best pal moving on my imaginary ex.”
“Two kisses, my first year at Yale, after we ran into each other at a party and he walked me back to the dorm. It was nice. Very nice. But as exceptional a kisser as he is, it was too much like kissing my brother. And as exceptional a kisser as I am, I believe he felt it was too much like kissing his sister. And that’s how we left it. I gather that wasn’t an issue for you and Jack.”
“I'll give you everything I've got, and if you need more, I'll find it and give it to you.”
“One morning early, I couldn't sleep, so I walked down to the beach. And I saw you. For a minute- I didn't realize it was you. You were wearing this long scarf thing tied around your waist, lots of wild colors, and it blew around your legs. You had on a red bathing suit under it."
"You..." She literally had to catch her breath. "You remember what I was wearing?"
"Yes I do. And I remember your hair was longer than it is now, halfway down your back. All those mad curls flying. Bare feet. All that golden skin, wild colors, mad curls. My heart just stopped. I thought: That's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And I wanted that woman, in a way I'd never wanted one before."
He stopped, turned a little as she simply stared at him. "Then I saw it was you. You walked off, down the beach, the surf foaming up over your bare feet, your ankles, your calves. And I wanted you. I thought I'd lost my my mind.”
“He wouldn't just be facing her, he thought with genuine, back-sweating fear, but all of them. The four of them, with Mrs. Grady for backup.
They'd roast his balls.”
“I'd have given you everything I had. If you'd needed more, I'd have found it, and given you that. It's the way I love. It's the only way I know how.”
“Romance made every woman beautiful, and every man a prince. A woman with romance in her life lived as grandly as a queen, because her heart was treasured.”
“Why is it men think beating on each other fixes anything?'
'Why do women think eating chocolate does? It's the nature of the beast.”
“Every professor worth his PhD should have a fireplace in his study.”
“You'll feel better after you do a mile or two.'
'Why?' From her prone position, Emma threw up her hands. 'Who says? Who decided that people all of a sudden have to do miles every damn day, or that twisting themselves into unnatural shapes is good for them? I think it's the people who sell this hideous equipment, and the ones who design all the cute little outfits like the one you're wearing.”
“În opinia lui Emmaline, dragostea făcea din ea o femeie specială. Dragostea făcea orice femeie să fie frumoasă şi transforma bărbatul într-un prinţ. O femeie care avea parte de dragoste în viaţă era la fel de bogată ca o regină, pentru că inima ei era preţuită.”
“-Vai nu există veste mai fericită decât cea legată de un copil. Philip, o să mai avem un bebe.
-Ai grijă ce spui. Ultima dată când ai zis asta, a apărut Emmaline după nouă luni.
Râzând, Lucia se aşeză lângă el şi-l îmbrăţişă, apăsându-şi obrazul de al lui.”
“- Şi-mi pare rău pentru faza aceea. De fapt nu chiar, pentru că a căzut din senin. Bine, nu în întregime, din moment ce am simţit ceva pentru el când mă aflam sub capotă.
- Capotă? Poftim...Aaa, maşina. Doamne numai cineva care te cunoaşte de-o viaţă ar putea înţelege jumătate din ceea ce spui.”
“ - Parcă mai ieri alergai pe gazon cu prietenii tăi, încercând din greu să câştigi premii la aruncarea inelelor sau să spargi pinata. La fel ca mama ta, aduceai culoare şi viaţă.
- Papa!
- Cel care va primi acea culoare şi viaţă va fi un om norocos, spuse Philip, privindu-l în ochi pe Jack. Iar cel care le va aprecia va fi un înţelept.
- Papa, repetă ea, pe un ton de avertisment.
- Un om nu are parte de prea multe comori, spuse el bătând-o cu degetul pe nas.”
“Dragostea te poate da peste cap, înainte să-ţi dai seama cum să trăieşti cu ea. Şi odată ce ai făcut-o? Te întrebi cum naiba ai putut trăi fără.”
“ - Ştiu. Da, aşa este. Ea este lumina. Înainte, poţi să umbli prin întuneric sau să te descurci în lumina slabă. Nici măcar nu ştii că-i slabă, pentru că aşa a fost mereu. Dar apoi, ea e lumina. Totul se schimbă.
- Dacă lumina se stinge sau, mai rău, dacă eşti destul de prost încât să o stingi singur, este cu mult mai întuneric decât era înainte.”
“ Flori, lumânări, lungi plimbări sub clar de lună printr-o grădină tainică...Ofta numai gândindu-se la toate acestea. Să danseze în lumina lunii, într-o grădină retrasă, acesta era idealul ei când venea vorba despre romantism.
Îşi putea imagina totul - mirosul trandafirilor de vară, muzica răzbătând prin geamurile deschise ale unei săli de bal, felul în care lumina arunca reflexii argintii peste peisajul din jur, ca în filme.
Îşi dorea să danseze în lumina lunii, într-o grădină tainică.”
“like we had the event instead of just”
“And ’tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes. —WORDSWORTH”
“But more to be dreaded than this tribulation was the strange spell of sadness which the unbroken solitude cast upon the minds of stone.”
“When the student is ready the teacher appears’?” I”
“For those who have dwelt in depression's dark wood, and known its inexplicable agony, their return from the abyss is not unlike the ascent of the poet, trudging upward and upward out of hell's black depths and at last emerging into what he saw as "the shining world." There, whoever has been restored to health has almost always been restored to the capacity for serenity and joy, and this may be indemnity enough for having endured the despair beyond despair.
E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle.
And so we came forth, and once again beheld the stars.”
“You know,” Cole said. “My mom once told me a boy would know he’d become a man when he stopped putting himself first. She said a girl would come along and I wouldn’t be able to get her out of my mind. She said this girl would frustrate me, confuse me, and challenge me, but she would also make me do whatever was necessary to be a better man–the man she needed. With you, I want to be better. I want to be what you need. Tell me what you need.”
“He gave her one. “It is totally unfair,” he said in his most severe voice, “to engage in a snowball fight when only one combatant can make snowballs.” He waited, loving the way her eyes sparkled. “Well?” Even without reading the thoughts beneath it, he could tell her touch was filled with laughter. Daemon bent down, gathered some snow, and learned how to make a snowball from snow too fluffy to pack. This, too, was similar to a basic lesson in Craft—creating a ball of witchlight—yet it required a subtler, more intrinsic knowledge of Craft than he’d ever known anyone to have. “Did the Priest teach you how to do this?” he asked as he straightened up, delighted with the perfect snowball in his hand. Jaenelle stared at him, aghast. Then she laughed. “Noooo.” She quickly cocked her arm and hit him in the chest with her snowball. The next few minutes were all-out war, each of them pelting the other as fast as they could make snowballs. When it was over, Daemon was peppered with clumps of white. He leaned over, resting his hands on his knees. “I leave the field to you, Lady,” he panted. “As well you should,” she replied tartly. Daemon looked up, one eyebrow rising.”
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