Quotes from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

Karl Wiggins ·  263 pages

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“You see what your mother-in-law hasn’t yet realised is that she’s the one who needs to hold out the olive branch, not you, because she’s the one who’s going to want to come around more and more in the future to see her grand-kids. SHE needs to make friends with YOU, not the other way around.”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“What kind of a turnip are you? Are you fucking stupid? She didn’t shag these blokes out of revenge. She shagged them because she wanted some dick!”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“What a potpourri of emotions are mixed up in this one. Passion, heartache, exaltation, distress, fascination, anguish, enchantment, remorse, jubilation, defeatism”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“The message? Do not fuck with your ears! The damage done is irreparable!”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“Above all else, be true to yourself. Do what YOU want to do. Walk alone and be your own judge. It’ll be a bumpy road sometimes, but you’ll carry yourself a little taller at the end of each and every journey. In the end nobody except you cares whether you run your life at the beck and call of everyone else or whether you choose to be a Warrior-Sage, living your own life.
And that’s the way it should be.”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“We look at the way some kids behave and instantly blame the parents, and more often than not we’re correct. The school bully is often a sign of poor parenting. That’s the immediate cause, but if we search for the root cause we have to dig much deeper than that. What on earth in that kid’s head makes it seem okay to bully people? Why are the parents doing such a poor job of bringing up their children? Probably because they didn’t have very effective role models themselves when they were growing up. It could go back generations”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“For a shy person it’s hard enough to overcome self-consciousness and establish personal relationships with others without having the additional hindrance of a well-meaning but misguided relative who only emphasises that person’s limitations”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

“Have you seen the state of some of these vegetarians? They look like they’re going to drop down dead any minute. We didn’t fight our way to the top of the food chain to be vegetarians, did we? Can you imagine a fry-up without the sausage and bacon? Or not being able to order steak, egg and chips? Can you imagine Christmas dinner without the turkey? Or a barbeque without the ribs?”
― Karl Wiggins, quote from You Really Are Full of Shit, Aren't You?

About the author

Karl Wiggins
Born place: in The United Kingdom
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