Quotes from Vampire Most Wanted

Lynsay Sands ·  358 pages

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“Yes. I tried to use the same technique with you. I didn’t want to pass out.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampire Most Wanted

“Divine had meant to try to shut her mind off from his sooner than she had, but had got wrapped up in the passion she’d so carefully stirred to life in them both and left it just that one second or two too long. Instead of remaining conscious as she’d hoped, she’d ended up passing out with him.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampire Most Wanted

“Aegle was suffering some mortal bug”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampire Most Wanted

“so little time to enjoy all that life and the world had to offer. Why would they waste even a moment of their precious time on someone who didn’t appreciate and treat them well?”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampire Most Wanted

“She’d found it was always best to live in the here and now rather than waste time with past events or what she couldn’t have and what could have been. Mind you, living in the here and now wasn’t always easy, but she did her best.”
― Lynsay Sands, quote from Vampire Most Wanted

About the author

Lynsay Sands
Born place: Leamington, Canada
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