Quotes from Treason

S.M. Boyce ·  430 pages

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“Sometimes, impossible just means you have to try harder. -Kara”
― S.M. Boyce, quote from Treason

“I prefer the term 'resourceful twit.' - Kara”
― S.M. Boyce, quote from Treason

“We vegabons are a part of this now, and we have a chance to make things better. Maybe we can make the world a little brighter before we die. At least, that’s why I’m here. I’ve always wanted to make people smile. But for the first time in my life, I’m powerful enough to do more. I can help change things. You empowered us, Kara. Don’t give up. The rest of us need you to believe, or we’ll lose faith completely. We may have Grimoires too, but there is only one true Vegabond.”
― S.M. Boyce, quote from Treason

“The creatures of human myth flourish in Ourea. Trees are this world's skyscrapers. Magic its currency. And while the rest of Earth forgot what it means to dream big, Ourea kept alive its wonder.”
― S.M. Boyce, quote from Treason

“Where are we? -Braeden
In the deepest part of your mind, where Carden can never find you. It's the goodness you've developed despite everything, the kindness and love you're capable of even though you were born to kill. Hide here with me, and he'll never find us. -Kara”
― S.M. Boyce, quote from Treason

“More often than you might think, it takes getting to your lowest point before you realize you need to make a change.”
― S.M. Boyce, quote from Treason

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