Quotes from The Mourning After

Adriane Leigh ·  304 pages

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“Just because you keep coming back to the same person doesn't make it true love, it might mean you haven't found one yet.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“I tried to get over you. I wanted so fucking bad to forget you. But every time I was with someone, it was you. Your hair, your eyes, your touch. You're all I fucking saw. You have a choice Georgia but I don't. I don't have a fucking choice, I never did. It's always been you. You destroyed me. I'm not the person I was before I met you and I can't go back. Nothing works anymore without you." ~Tristan”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“I don't want to regret anything with you.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“You say stop, but your body says go," he whispered in my ear seductively. "I can tell that you want this, Georgia.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“Tell me Georgia, does he make you come so hard you forget your own name?”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“I wanted to break myself in two. I wanted to give my heart to both of the men in my life. I wanted to give Kyle the part of myself that needed the safety and comfort of his arms, and I wanted to give Tristan the piece that craved the sense of lightness and happiness he made me feel.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“I fucking loved him and I hated it. I hated him for making me love him. I hated Kyle for leaving me alone so many nights for so many years. And mostly I just hated myself for doing this to all of us.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“A shift was taking place in my life - the beach house, Kyle, Tristan; the tides were changing.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“If you're not ready I won't force you. But I'm going to spend the entire summer helping you come to the realization that you want me too.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“But I want Kyle and I to work. We've always worked."
"But what if you work better with someone else?”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“Let Go.
Let Me Have It.
Let Me Have You.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“Fire shot through my body at his touch. The scent of his skin caused my brain to short circuit. I knew I was only feeling that way because I'd been missing Kyle. This was the longest we'd been apart. Nearly a week and we'd been so busy we hadn't had a chance to really talk. That's what this was-I missed Kyle. I needed to remind myself not to mistake the pull I felt toward Tristan as anything other than my yearning for Kyle.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“You made a mistake, that doesn't mean you don't deserve love. It means you're human(...)”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“„Silas, it's not even five.” I moaned.
„Rule numero uno this summer, it's five o'clock somewhere.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“„Healing isn't a betrayal of the memory.”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

“„But don't you think it's unfair to be with someone just because the past you share with them?”
― Adriane Leigh, quote from The Mourning After

About the author

Adriane Leigh
Born place: in Sault Ste. Marie, The United States
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Животът е като рулетка, но побеждава онзи, който твърди, че цялата игра е една голяма измама. Няма значение колко числа участват, принципът на тази малка, безупречно бяла топка остава непроменен. И не казвайте, че това е безумие. Това е съвсем логично и разумно.
Този чудат принцип не важи само навън. Той е в нас, във всеки миг, расте във вътрешния мрак като някаква гигантска вълшебна гъба. Наречете го „Чудовището в клетката“. Или „Обяд отнесен от вихъра“. Може и „Приспивните песни на смахнатите“. За мен, той е моят личен динозавър, огромен, лигав, тъп, препъващ се във вонящото блато на моето подсъзнание в търсене на дупка, където да се свре.
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