Quotes from The Miracle of Forgiveness

Spencer W. Kimball ·  376 pages

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“I ask you, what good is a big picture window and the lavish appointments and a priceless decor in a home if there is no mother there?”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“Who is to blame? The filth peddler, of course, but even more than this vulgar entertainer, the filth consumer, the public. So long as men are corrupt and revel in sewer filth, entertainers will sell them what they want. Laws may be passed, arrests may be made, lawyers may argue, courts may sentence and jails may harbor men of corrupt minds, but pornography and allied insults to decency will never cease until men have cleansed their minds and cease to require and pay for such vile stuff. When the customer is sick and tired of being drowned in filth by the comedians, he will not pay for that filth and its source will dry up.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“The statement, "As a man thinketh, so is he," could equally well be rendered "As a man thinketh, so does he." If one thinks it long enough he is likely to do it.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“Sow a thought, reap an act; Sow an act, reap a habit; Sow a habit, reap a character; Sow a character, reap an eternal destiny.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“Rationalizing is the bringing of ideals down to the level of one's conduct. Repentance is the bringing of one's conduct up to the level of his ideals.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“He who cannot learn by others' mistakes is stupid. He who cannot learn by his own errors is a fool.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“A Human Face I love to view and trace the passions of the soul. On it the spirit writes anew each thought and feeling on a scroll. There the mind it's evil doing tells, and there it's noblest deeds do speak; just as the ringing of the bells proclaims a knell or wedding feast.-author unknown”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“Henry Ward Beecher expressed the thought this way: "I can forgive but I cannot forget is another way of saying I cannot forgive.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“How wonderful that God should endow us with this sensitive yet strong guide we call a conscience! Someone has aptly re-marked that "conscience is a celestial spark which God has put into every man for the purpose of saving his soul.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“Destroy the seed and the plant will never grow. Man alone, of all creatures of earth, can change his thought pattern and become the architect of his destiny.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“We would all be well advised to avoid the motivation to the evil thought. If persistently resisted it will "get the message" and stay away.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“We read in the papers and hear on TV constantly that the world "is in an awful mess." Not true! The world is still most beautiful. It is man who is off center. The sun still illumines the day and gives light and life to all things; the moon still brightens the night; oceans still feed the world and provide transportation; rivers still drain the land, and provide irrigation water to nourish crops. Even the ravages of time have not sloughed off the majesty of the mountains. Flowers still bloom and birds still sing, and children still laugh and play.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“What message may I take from you to the young people in Zion?" The answer was quick and positive. "Tell them," said the doomed man, "to keep their lives so full of good works that there will be no room for evil.”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

“For every one that doeth evil hateth the light." (John 3:19-20.)”
― Spencer W. Kimball, quote from The Miracle of Forgiveness

About the author

Spencer W. Kimball
Born place: in Salt Lake City, Utah, The United States
Born date March 28, 1895
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