Quotes from The Lightning Thief

Rick Riordan ·  375 pages

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“If my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Deadlines just aren't real to me until I'm staring one in the face.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“How did you die?"
"We er....drowned in a bathtub."
"All three of you?"
"It was a big bathtub.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“What if it lines up like it did in the Trojan War ... Athena versus Poseidon?"
"I don't know. But I just know that I'll be fighting next to you."
"Because you're my friend, Seaweed Brain. Any more stupid questions?”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“It's funny how humans can wrap their mind around things and fit them into their version of reality.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Go on with what your heart tells you, or you will lose all.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Hades raised an eyebrow. When he sat forward in his throne, shadowy faces appeared in the folds of his black robes, faces of torment,as if the garment was stitched of trapped souls from the Fields of Punishment, trying to get out. The ADHD part of me wondered, off-task, whether the rest of his clothes were made the same way. What horrible things would you have to do in your life to get woven into Hades' underwear?”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Humans see what they want to see.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“The real world is where the monsters are.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Why can't you place a blessing like that on us?" I asked.

"It only works on wild animals."

"So it would only affect Percy," Annabeth reasoned.

"Hey!" I protested.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“She'd also called me brave...unless she was talking to the catfish.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Where's the glory in repeating what others have done?”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

Braccas meas vescimini!"
I wasn't sure where the Latin came from. I think it meant 'Eat my pants!”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“My name is Percy Jackson.
I'm twelve years old. Until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York.
Am I a troubled kid?
Yeah. You could say that.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“All I could think of was that the teachers must've found the illegal stash of candy I'd been selling out of my dorms room. Or maybe they'd realized I got my Essay on Tom Sawyer from the Internet without ever reading the book and now they were going to take away my grade. Or worse, they were going to make me read the book.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Remind me again-why do you hate me so much?"

I don't hate you."

Could've fooled me."

She folded her cap of invisibility. "Look...we're just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals."


She sighed. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her."

They must really like olives."

Oh, forget it."

Now, if she'd invented pizza-that I could understand.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Grover didn't say anything for awhile. Then, when I thought he was going to give me some deep philosophical comment to make me feel better, he said, "Can I have your apple?”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“I gave her my deluxe I'll-Kill-You-Later stare.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“I said hello to the poodle.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Nothing like watching your relatives fight, I always say.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“You're Dionysus," I said. "The god of wine."
Mr. D rolled his eyes. "What do they say these days, Grover? Do the children say 'Well duh!'?"
Y-yes, Mr. D."
Then, well, duh! Percy Jackson. Did you think I was Aphrodite, perhaps?"
You're a god."
Yes, child."
A god. You.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“He was slumped over, blood trickling from the side of his mouth. I shook his furry hip, thinking, No! Even if you are half barnyard animal, you're my best friend and I don't want you to die!”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Suspecting and knowing are not the same.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“The sea does not like to be restrained. ”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“It's useless to lecture a human.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

“Safety from what? Who's after me?"
Oh, nobody much," Grover said, obviously still miffed about the donkey comment. "Just the Lord of the Dead and a few of his blood-thirstiest minions.”
― Rick Riordan, quote from The Lightning Thief

About the author

Rick Riordan
Born place: in San Antonio, Texas, The United States
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