Quotes from The Journeys of Socrates

Dan Millman ·  336 pages

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“Today is today. But there are many tomorrows...”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“Make peace within, and there will be no one who can overcome you. And no one you will wish to overcome.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“Even a dark purpose can keep a man alive.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“Life is about refinement, not perfection. And you still have refining to do.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“A man's character reveals itself most clearly when he makes a choice under pressure.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“I don’t even know if the sun will rise or whether I’ll wake up in the morning. I don’t know if God will grant me my next breath. So I choose to live on faith rather than knowledge—and accept whatever comes, welcome or not, bitter or sweet—all of it, a gift from God.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“When a man has learned to live without money, he thought, a few rubles can go a long way.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“You will fail many times, but in failing you will learn , and in learning you will find your way.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“The movements of the highest warriors are relaxed and expansive because they fight for a cause larger than themselves. Only by surrendering to God’s will does one find victory in battle and serenity in life.” Serafim started pacing again, as he did”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“What good to conquer an enemy in battle, only to be vanquished by hunger or cold?”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“First of all," said Serafim, "there are no advanced skills; there is only skillful movement.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“Never fear the weapon, only the man wielding it. Focus on your opponent while he focuses on his knife or saber or pistol. He invests his power in the weapon but forgets the rest of his body.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“The actions you take will shape your future for better or for worse. Such is the power of choice.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“Valójában, Szókratész, nincs ellenséged, csak te magad. Békélj meg magaddal, és nem lesz senki, aki legyőzhet. És senki, akit te kívánnál legyőzni.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

“Merülj el a rejtélyben, Szókratész! Bízz benne! Felejtsd el, amit gondolsz, hogy minek kellene és minek nem kellene lennie, és ismét megtalálod a hited.”
― Dan Millman, quote from The Journeys of Socrates

About the author

Dan Millman
Born place: in Los Angeles California, The United States
Born date February 22, 1946
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