Quotes from The Friday Night Knitting Club

Kate Jacobs ·  352 pages

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“The thing is, that when you're young, you always think you'll meet all sorts of wonderful people, that drifting apart and losing friends is natural. You don't worry, at first, about the friends you leave behind. But as you get older, it gets harder to build friendships. Too many defenses, too little opportunity. You get busy. And by the time you realize that you've lost the dearest best friend you've ever had, years have gone by and you're mature enough to be embarrassed by your attitude and, frankly, by your arrogance.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“And there's always a better time than right now and there always will be. But right now is what we've got.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Cat, I'll let you in on a little secret. We don't all love our jobs every day. And doing something you have passion for doesn't make the work part of it any easier...It just makes you less likely to quit.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“There's money, and then there's class. The two are often separated.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“So this was it. You take a wrong step and you end up wearing yesterday's underwear, sitting on the carpet trying to teach yourself how to knit. And even that doesn't work. She never expected it to be so hard. Life.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“We don't always get what we deserve," she replied, patting James over his heart. "Sometimes we get more; sometimes we get less. At least we get something.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“It gave her a feeling of her own power, to make something practical and beautiful just by using her own skill and creativity. It inspired her.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Things work out better when you're straight up.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“And failure, if you want to know, Dakota, is just another opportunity to try again.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Women do amazing, creative, wonderful things.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“I believe sometimes medical issues just happen--they're not cosmic tests; they're not retribution for all the naughty things you've done over a lifetime. It's not some moral righting of the universe. It's just something going wonky with the wiring...And I think God cries when we're in pain; he cries with us and he supports us. But I also believe he stands back and lets us sort things out. Lets the doctors do their work. Lets your body heal itslef.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Better to live your life open rather than exist on borrowed time, waiting for the great unmasking.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“It's a scary thing, when a person you admire is suddenly revealed to be absolutely, truly human.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“There's money, and then there's class.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Especially in a world that doesn't need homemade anything.That's when we need homemade everything.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“All you have to do is forgive.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“—¡Sé tu propia seguridad y garantía”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“la vida es lo que tú hagas de ella.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“knit and purl These stitches are the fundamentals of knitting and are the basis of every garment. The knit stitch is a series of flat, vertical loops that produces a knitted fabric face and the purl stitch is its reverse. One side is smooth, the other bumpy. Knit is what you show the world; purl is the soft, nubbly underside you keep close to the skin.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“...you are the kind of person that sears into the soul. I have never been able to get you out of my mind.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Knitting had done more than provide her with a living; it had soothed her soul through more struggles than she could count.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“But it’s better to loosen up as you go or you risk turning brittle.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“but there was something so significant about being able to make a gorgeous item of clothing from almost raw materials. It gave her a feeling of her own power, to make something practical and beautiful just by using her own skill and creativity. It inspired her.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Stress is not about the situation, my dear, it's about the person. There's some who can handle it and there's some who can't.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

“Starting again: there's a secret hope that makes you hold on, to dream that you'll get it right someday, that you'll go back and take it up again and it will finally come out right. That this time all the pieces will fit. The mistake is waiting until you feel renewed enough to give it another try. You simply have to pick up the needles and keep at it anyway.”
― Kate Jacobs, quote from The Friday Night Knitting Club

About the author

Kate Jacobs
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