Quotes from The Dark Light of Day

T.M. Frazier ·  258 pages

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“We were just us, broken and bruised, fucked-up and messy, and together we were everything we never thought we could be.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I fell asleep that night in the arms of a killer. I'd never slept better.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“We are all a little damaged, Bee. Some of us more than others.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I'm afraid I'm going to look at your perfect face, and you're finally going to see me as the monster I am.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“You know what's worse than being a sick son-of-a-bitch? Knowing you're a sick son-of-a-bitch.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I like the way you make the silence bearable.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“For the first time in a long time a bit of something I was unfamiliar with crept up inside me.
If I hadn’t known better, I’d have thought it was hope.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I need to know if you would like it if I put him to ground for you.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Sick, twisted Abby was in love with the sick, twisted, beautiful Jake.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“We were looking right into each other. Broken soul to broken soul.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Why do I want to touch you? Are you fucking kidding me right now? I want to help you. I want to hold you. I want to make it all okay for you. I want to fucking touch you because you are the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen, and I can’t imagine never being able to hold your hand or kiss you. And yes – I want to fuck you, too, like I’ve never wanted anything in my whole life.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“A revenge kill is the best kind of kill.
But a revenge kill for your family, with your woman’s permission?
That’s borderline erotic.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Why do you want to touch me? I'm nothing. I'm no one.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Even though life hands you a big pile of shit, you don’t have to roll around in it and make shit angels.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“This is where I buried my first body.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“He thrust into me as if he were trying to climb into my soul.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I'd much rather be known as the girl who wears sweatshirts than the vagina most likely to be recognized in a line up.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I finally realized that it’s possible to love within a space that sometimes holds nothing but emptiness.. or nothing but darkness.
After all, we all have darkness within us.
Some of us more than others.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“We may not have been perfect, or even acceptable by anyone else’s standards. But together, we were perfect.
Together, we were just us.
Battered and broken. Dark and difficult. Impulsive and scared.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“A family by choice, not chance. A choice to love, and to be loved in return. A choice to take care of and enjoy one another, not to put up with or to suffer through one another.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Hope had been stripped from me at every minute of every hour of every day for my entire life.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“Fuck anyone who thinks anything on someone like you could ever be anything beautiful. You should be proud of them, baby.”
“Yes, proud. They make you powerful. Each line is a road travelled, an experience you had, whether it was good or bad. Each mark is proof of pain in the past, not the present. You are a survivor, you are a warrior. These are the scalps hanging from your fucking belt. You took the beatings and here you are, in front of me. You are fucking amazing.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“you will probably be eaten by either wild boar, coyotes, or at the very least these fucking annoying pterodactyl mosquitoes.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“We don’t fit any mold. But, where you are concerned, it’s simple.” He kissed along my jaw line. “I want you, Abby. No bullshit . I want you just the way you are.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I would kill for you, Bee. Happily.” He ran his fingers down my cheek. “I need you to know that.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“They call the figure that takes our loved ones from this world the angel of death, when really he’s just a corrupt errand boy who hides deep within his hood when he comes to take souls to the other side.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I would track you to the ends of the Earth and back. I will always find you, Bee. Always.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

“I once wondered if two broken souls could heal one another, I hoped the answer was yes.”
― T.M. Frazier, quote from The Dark Light of Day

About the author

T.M. Frazier
Born place: in The United States
Born date September 21, 1981
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