Quotes from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

198 pages

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“You will never again be the person who had never tried tacos, because after you try one that person no longer exists. In a way he'll die, and someone new and more experienced will take his place." And”
― quote from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

“So I squeeze his hand, and it's really warm and hand-shaped, and we walk around the beach, and explore a little”
― quote from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

“If I open up, it gets me, Dad. It gets me, and I don't know if I'm strong enough to stand it.”
― quote from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

“Life just gets better. Which is not to say that it's always easy.”
― quote from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

“I am worthy. I am enough. Safe. Secure. Worthy. Enough.”
― quote from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

“I am a whole, complete person, worthy just as I am.
And I am enough.”
― quote from That One Kid Who Freaked Out, Or Whatever

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