Quotes from Simply Irresistible

Rachel Gibson ·  375 pages

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“He wanted the word "Daddy" added to his list of names. He wanted to teach his son to skate, just as he'd been taught by Ernie. Like every other father in the world, he wanted to stay up late on Christmas Eve and put together tricycles, bicycles, and race-car sets. He wanted to dress up his son as a vampire, or a pirate, and take him trick-or-treating.”
― Rachel Gibson, quote from Simply Irresistible

“I only know that you are the breath in my lungs, the beat of my heart, the ache in my soul, and without you, I am empty.”
― Rachel Gibson, quote from Simply Irresistible

“As a kid, he would have given just about anything to touch a naked Barbie, but he'd never been lucky enough to get within ogling distance. Now that he was afforded a good look at her, he discovered she had a scrawny ass and her knees made weird crunching sounds.”
― Rachel Gibson, quote from Simply Irresistible

“He can trade me to a team below five hundred if he wants to, or worse, I could find myself wearing a duck on my sweater.”
― Rachel Gibson, quote from Simply Irresistible

“John, you don’t like me.”

“I’ve never said I didn’t like you.”

“You don’t have to say it. You just look at me and I know it’s true.”

His brows drew together. “How do I look at you?”

She sat back. “You scowl and frown at me as if I’d done something tacky, like scratch myself in public.”

He smiled. “That bad, huh?”


“What if I promise not to scowl at you?”

“I don’t think that’s a promise you can keep. You are a very moody person.”

He removed one hand from his pocket and placed it over the even pleats of his shirt. “I’m very easygoing.”

Georgeanne rolled her eyes. “And Elvis is alive and raising minks somewhere in Nebraska.”
― Rachel Gibson, quote from Simply Irresistible

About the author

Rachel Gibson
Born place: Boise, Idaho, The United States
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