Quotes from Silk

Alessandro Baricco ·  91 pages

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“إنه ألمٌ غـريب , أن تموت من الحنين لشـيء.. لم تعشـه أبداً”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“It's a strange grief… to die of nostalgia for something you you will never live.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Perhaps sometimes life shows you a side of itself which leaves you with nothing more to say”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“To die of yearning for something you will never experience”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“You were dead.'
She said.
'And in the whole world there was nothing beautiful left.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“- Com'è l'Africa? - gli chiedevano.
- Stanca.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“-Είναι ένας παράξενος πόνος.
-Να πεθαίνεις από νοσταλγία για κάτι που δε θα ζήσεις ποτέ.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“And a while later:
'It is a strange sort of pain.'
'To die of yearning for something you'll never experience.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Sooner or later you'll have to tell the truth to someone.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Tu eri morto – disse – e non c'era più niente di bello, al mondo.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Era d'altronde uno di quegli uomini che amano assistere alla propria vita, ritenendo impropria qualsiasi ambizione a viverla.
Si sarà notato che essi osservano il loro destino nel modo in cui, i più, sono soliti osservare una giornata di pioggia.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“In front of him, nothing. He had a sudden glimpse of what he had considered invisible. The end of the world.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“I once knew a man who built a railway all for himself.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“È uno strano dolore... morire di nostalgia per qualcosa che non vivrai mai.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Qualcuno diceva: ha qualcosa addosso, come una specie di infelicità.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Improvvisamente vide ciò che pensava invisibile. La fine del mondo.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“beyond the end of the world”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“only the rustle of those colours waving in the air, impenetrable, lighter than nothingness”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“In this transparency, the footprints of the little birds spoke with a muffled voice. What they spoke of was entirely without significance, or else something capable of lifting a life off its hinges: there was no way of knowing.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Perhaps sometimes life shows you a side of itself which leaves you with nothing more to say.' He said. 'Nothing more, never.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“-Debo comunicarle una cosa muy importante, monsieur, todos damos asco. Somos todos maravillosos, y todos damos asco.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“When loneliness mastered him he would go up to the cemetery...The rest of his time was taken up with a liturgy of habits that succeeded in warding off sadness.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“It was surprising to consider that in fact there were signs, that is the embers of a voice destroyed by fire.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Occasionally, on windy days Hervé Joncour would go down to the lake and spend hours in contemplation of it because he seemed to descry, sketched out on the water, the inexplicable sight of his life as it had been, in all its lightness.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Lo que era para nosotros, lo hemos hecho, y vos lo sabéis. Creedme: lo hemos hecho para siempre. Preservad vuestra vida resguardada de mí. Y no dudéis un instante, si fuese útil para vuestra felicidad, en olvidar a esta mujer que ahora os dice sin añoranza, adiós.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“And carefully he brought Time to a halt, for as long as he wished.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“Torneranno. È sempre difficile resistere alla tentazione di tornare, non è vero?”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

“He took an unassuming pleasure in his possessions, and the likely prospect of becoming truly wealthy left him completely indifferent. He was, besides, one of those men who like to witness their own life, considering any ambition to live it inappropriate.

It should be noted that these men observe their fate the way most men are accustomed to observe a rainy day.”
― Alessandro Baricco, quote from Silk

About the author

Alessandro Baricco
Born place: in Turin, Italy
Born date January 25, 1958
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