Quotes from Sea Change

Aimee Friedman ·  292 pages

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“It struck me then how much the past - not just the past but history and family - was like the ocean tide. It was always the same ocean, but the waves made it fresh and new each time.”
― Aimee Friedman, quote from Sea Change

“When people went on vacation, they shed their home skins, thought they could be a new person.”
― Aimee Friedman, quote from Sea Change

“Come find me," Leo put in, his gaze full of understanding. "Whenever you want. I'll be here.”
― Aimee Friedman, quote from Sea Change

“I watched the land for as long as I could, until it disappeared behind its shawl of mist, and until I had it fixed in my mind - unchanged, mysterious and beautiful”
― Aimee Friedman, quote from Sea Change

“I couldn't think. The basics of my life seemed altered and thrown into question. After all, our families--our ancestors--are our identities. Biology is destiny.

I'm not who you think I am, I had said to T.J. the last time I'd seen him. Maybe I wasn't who I'd thought I was either.”
― Aimee Friedman, quote from Sea Change

“My skin prickled and I looked back at the ocean. None of us ask for the things we inherit; they are thrust upon us, willy-nilly. Like The Marine, I suddenly understood. Mom and I weren't trespassing. This house was ours. This view was ours. And that seemed as absurd and unreal as the stories Sailor Hat had spun for me on the ferry.”
― Aimee Friedman, quote from Sea Change

About the author

Aimee Friedman
Born place: in Queens, New York, The United States
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