Quotes from Runaway

Meg Cabot ·  310 pages

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“You know your Lamborghini is on fire, right?”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“Have you tried this shrimp? It's freaking amazing.

Would you get away from me? I hate you.

You're so moody. Just because I kidnapped you and tried to force you to be my girlfriend. I thought you would be over that by now.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“Looks fade,' Mom would go on. 'But intelligence lasts forever.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“If it turned out Brandon Stark also likes to dress up as Strwberry Shortcake while playing croquet with his miniture pony collection, I totally wouldn't be surprised anymore.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“Why does anyone commit murder?' he asked in a low voice.
'I-'I blinked.'How should I know?'
'Three reasons,' Christopher said. He held up one finger. 'Love.' Another finger. 'Revenge.' And finally, a third finger. 'Profit...”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“I'll put a bullet through my own brain. Let alone wait for stark to do it. Your sister will drive me to it, Howard. No offense.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“Oh, Jason, I couldn't get my locker open...I know, I tried twisting it right, then left, but it wouldn't budge. I guess I'm just not strong enough. Could you help me? Please? Oh, great. Oh, Jason, you're so strong...

Seriously? That was me now?

On the other hand , a guy was following me.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“That guy back there had a gun,” Christopher went on. “Brandon Stark didn't even have a gun, and he managed to kidnap you just by threatening to do mean things to your friends. How do you think you're going to cope with his dad, who's a real gangster?”
“Well,” I said. Suddenly, I didn't feel quite so encouraged. There were actual tears in my eyes. “That's why this time I'm asking you for help. I know I can't do it alone anymore. I need you, Christopher.”
“You're damn right you do,” he said. “It's about time you realized it.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“But I don't care what Megan Fox or Jessica Biel say: There are definite advantages to being the hottest girl on the planet. Number one was that I got paid for it. A lot.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“But if that was really true, why in the name of all that is holy would anyone have ever liked Nikki in the first place? I was becoming more and more convinced she was a cross between Heidi Montag and Hitler.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“You;re colling me, So i fugure you must not hate me anymore. dOES THIS MEAN YOU WANNA GO OUT? iI'm free tonight. I mean , I have plans, but i can break them. For you.

Brandon, you kidnapped me. And then you made the only person I'll ever love in my life hate me. I completely despise you.

So..., I take that as a no, you do not want to go out with me tonight.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“But things were different now. I finally had my head -pun intended- on straight.”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

“His gaze on mine was completely steady and unblinking, and there was an upward curl at the corners of his mouth . . . he was smiling like he was actually enjoying this.
But I couldn't help feeling as if, behind those blue eyes, there was a different Christopher – the old Christopher – begging me to call him on his asinine behavior. To say, I'm asking for your help now. Will you help us? Will you help me?
Only I didn't.
Because I was too angry with him. Why was he acting like such a four-year-old? I'd already explained to him why I'd made the decisions I had. They'd been perfectly decent, rational decisions.
So why was he acting this way?”
― Meg Cabot, quote from Runaway

About the author

Meg Cabot
Born place: in Bloomington, Indiana, The United States
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