Quotes from Playing for Keeps

R.L. Mathewson ·  220 pages

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“How dare you touch my cookies, you bastard!” Jason said in utter disgust before popping the cookie into his mouth and heading back to his house.
“Damn those looked good, too,” Brad grumbled.
Haley sighed. “Don’t worry I have a second plate on my counter.” The words were barely out of her mouth when Jason abruptly changed course and headed towards her house.
“Well, there was,” she said, watching Jason walk into her house like he owned it. A minute later he walked out of her house, carrying both plates and the gallon of milk she had in her fridge. He headed back to his house, but not before he glared at Brad. “You cookie thieving bastard,” they heard him mutter.
Brad rolled his eyes, chuckling. “And people wonder how I lost weight rooming with him in college.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“He glared accusingly at her while he made short work of his clothes. "You didn't wake me up."
She rolled her eyes as she speared a piece of sausage with her fork. "I did wake you up. Three times in fact. Each time you threw something at me and went back to sleep."
Jason gaped at her. "And you gave up? You know our routine, woman. You have to
keep at it until I'm forced to get off the bed to find something to throw at you.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“It wasn’t like he was purposely being an asshole. It just came naturally to him.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“I’m tired and bitchy and all I want is some sleep so cuddle your ass up with me or so help me I will kill you.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Hey! I thought you said you were gay!” the man said accusingly.
Without missing a beat Jason said, “She is. I’m just her bitch.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“She gave his hand a small squeeze. "Jason, if we're going to try this then I'd like to
take things slow." He frowned. "What I mean is nothing beyond the level we were at
last night." She worried her lip between her teeth. "What I mean is no actual sex."
He narrowed his eyes on her. "But, you'll still sleep with me naked and let me do a
hundred other naughty things to you?" he asked in a serious tone.
He brushed his lips against hers again and moved back a few inches to look into her
eyes. "And you'll still cook for me and call me Master?"
Her lips twitched. "Yes to the cooking and not a chance in hell for the other."
He sighed wearily. "Fine, how about Lord and Master?"
"My liege?"
He gave her one of his lopsided smiles. "I'll wear you down eventually.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Maybe you should just admit that you're crazy about me," he said, leaning in to kiss her again.
"And why would you want me to do that?" she asked, still smiling.
"Because I'm playing for keeps, my little grasshopper.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Jason had to bury his face against her shoulder to keep from laughing out loud. She was just so damn cute. “Stop laughing at me! I’m a threat, damn it!”
Jason pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. “No, you’re my sweet little grasshopper.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“What if I promise to make you a batch of brownies tomorrow?" she asked, deciding
to use his love of baked goods against him.
He snorted in disbelief as he got to his feet. "I'm not some whore you can buy with a
pan of yummy baked goods, woman. How dare you insult me?" he said on a sniff as
he folded his arms over his chest and did his best to look put out.
"Fine," Haley said with a sigh. "What if I promise to make a big bowl of frosting tomorrow and let you lick it off me?"
She had to bite back a smile as Jason shifted anxiously while he licked his lips and ran his eyes hungrily down her body. "Buttercream?" he croaked out.
"Mmmmhmm," she said, walking over to him. She cupped the back of his head and
gently tugged him down for a quick kiss. "And if you're good I might lick some off you," she said, loving the idea.
"Get your own bowl of frosting. I don't share," he simply said, giving her one last kiss before walking out the door, whistling happily, no doubt thinking about the large bowl of frosting he was going to devour tomorrow.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“I love you, Derek!”
Jason tried to drag Haley back to her seat, but she fought him tooth and nail.
“I love you, Derek!”
“He knows, woman! He’s known since the first inning. Let the man focus,” he
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“I’m hungry,” Jason grumbled as he stared at the empty plates on his small
coffee table.
Brad groaned, “You practically ate both plates of cookies. How in the hell are
you hungry?”
Jason shrugged leaning back in his chair to watch the game. “I just am.
Leave me the hell alone I’m a growing boy, damn it!”
“Yeah, a growing thirty-one year old boy,” Brad mumbled.
“I’m still growing damn it so shut the hell up and feed me!”
“Order something and stop bitching!” Brad snapped.
“You order something. I’m too weak to move.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“As he was gasping for air he realized something. He was in deep shit. Haley was his life now. His woman. His heart.
He was so screwed.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Apparently she was beyond words so she pushed the card into his hands. He looked down. Blinked. Blinked again before stumbling back into a chair. Did he just wet himself? Ah, who cared? He was holding four tickets to the Yankees vs. Red Sox at Yankee Stadium for this Friday and they were without a doubt the best seats in the stadium.
His eyes shifted from Haley to the tickets and back again before he made a split second decision and made a run for it. He didn’t make it five feet before his little grasshopper tackled him to the ground and ripped the card from his hands.
He spit grass out of his mouth. “Fine. You can come with me I guess,” he said, earning a knee to the ribs.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Hey, those look good! Can I have one?” a man she’d seen hundreds of times around Jason’s house asked, reaching out to take one.
“Back the fuck off! She brought them for me, you bastard!” Jason snapped.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“I'm not some whore you can buy with a pan of yummy baked goods, woman. How dare you insult me?”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“He sighed heavily. "You pissed me off."
Well, that was totally unexpected....sort of.
"Hey, I said I was sorry about hitting Mitch with that sword. How was I supposed to know the thing would leave a welt?" she said defensively.
"That's not what I'm talking about. That didn't bother me."
"Is it because I kicked your ass at skee ball?"
"No! And that game is rigged anyway so it doesn't count."
"Riigghhht," she said, drawing out the word. She thought over the rest of the night and couldn't figure out what she'd done. "Okay, you're gonna have to help me out here because I'm drawing a blank."
"I'm pissed because all those men hit on you and not once did you tell any of them to f*ck off because you had a boyfriend!" he yelled.
Her face went expressionless. She blinked once and then again. Then she burst into uncontrollable laughter.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Jason felt all the blood drain out of his face. He stood there as the reality of Mitch’s words hit him hard. One day it would be another man Haley would talk to, watch games with, or just sit in absolute peaceful silence while they worked or ate, and worst of all it would be another man holding Haley in his arms at night.

'Fuck…,' he gasped.

'Oh great, you broke him! Are you happy now?' Brad demanded. 'Come on, buddy, we’ll get you fixed up with a cold beer and a plate of hot wings. How does that sound? Does that sound good?' Numbly, Jason nodded.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Soon he was picturing little girls with mischievous green eyes and pigtails asking him to play tea. Of course he'd bring real food to the tea party. None of that pretend food bullshit for his little girls.
By the time Haley had stopped for breakfast he'd been calmer about everything. He'd already decided to ignore that breakup nonsense. It was just ridiculous and he knew sooner or later Haley would realize that so they could get started on making their all girl baseball team.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“It’s nice to have eye candy around for my enjoyment.” He looked Brad over. “It wouldn’t kill you to pretty yourself up if you’re going to be in my presence.”
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Brad said wryly.
“See that you do.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“In his opinion if a man didn't have the balls to make a move he didn't deserve the woman he desired.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Stop calling me that!' Haley hissed softly. 'For the hundredth time, i am not the Daniel-Son to your Mr. Miyagi.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“I don't know how Haley put up with you for the last few weeks. I would have killed you by now."

"Haley worships me," he said with a snort.

"Yeah, okay," Brad said, laughing. "That's why she dates other men and screws you over just to laugh at you."


Brad looked over at him. "You are a seriously f*cked up man, aren't you?”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“What would my little grasshopper like?”

She glared over her shoulder at him. “I’m not going to call you Mr Miyagi you know.”
“Yes you will, but that’s not important at the moment.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“I hate you," Haley mumbled, storming past him to grab a carriage.
"You love and adore me," Jason informed her as he deftly snagged her carriage away from her and headed towards the men's department.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Soon he was picturing little girls with mischievous green eyes and pigtails asking him to play tea. Of course he'd bring real food to the tea party. None of that pretend food bullshit for his little girls.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“If she tried to leave without him he would burn her house down, plain and simple.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“She spied the rolled up hose and made a snap decision. This ended here and now.
The days of being the world’s biggest pushover were over.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“He pressed another kiss to her lips as he took her hand into his. "I'm sorry for being a jerk last night and almost making the biggest mistake of my life. I was afraid of hurting you. I know what I am and I also know you deserve a guy that can spoil you rotten and take you to all the nice places that you deserve. I-"
"Jason, I don't care about those things," she said softly.
He shook his head stubbornly. "It doesn't mean that you don't deserve them, but if you give me a chance to make up for my past stupidity, and I'm not just talking about with you, I promise that I will do my best to make you happy."
"I want to try this. You and me, I mean. I know I'll most likely fuck up along the way and you'll want to ring my neck, but I want to try. I'll do my best not to hurt you.”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

“Why couldn't her damn reliable car have stalled on the way over here or better yet, run out of gas leaving her stranded at the mercy of the wildlife that would maul her and save her from this hell? Was it really too much to ask?”
― R.L. Mathewson, quote from Playing for Keeps

About the author

R.L. Mathewson
Born place: in The United States
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