Quotes from Passion Unleashed

Larissa Ione ·  454 pages

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“All I ever had before you was nightmares. But now I dream. Because of you.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“Man who hates cats is insecure, but a man who likes them is one worth keeping. If he can appreciate a cat, he can appreciate a strong, independent woman.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“You're been out a few hours. E and I have been taking turns staying with you. Tayla's here. And Gem. Luc. Kynan. Reaver. Our other brother, but he's in chains. He's also a total dick. You'll like him." (Shade telling Wraith)”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“What's going on?" Kynan asked
Luc smiled, which was little more than a baring of his teeth. "She's a warg. She knows I know, but I'm guessing her human buddies don't know. She's afraid I'll tell."
"Are you going to?"
"That depends."
"On what?"
Luc's voice dropped an octave. "Whether or not she gives me what I want."
"And that is?"
"Fifteen minutes. Naked."
"That's blackmail."
Luc snorted. "Wargs call it negotiation."
"So you want fifteen minutes...what will she want?"
"With me?" Luc winked. "Two hours.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“I'm not going to pass out—”

He cut her off with a kiss. “If you did, I'd catch you.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“No. It was because it was the first time I made love to anyone. You can call me a liar or anything else, but do not doubt me on this. And I swear to you that you were the first, and you will be the last.

― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“But this spirited little human had him by the balls, and some small part of him liked it.
Hell's bells, as Shade would say, Hell's fucking bells.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“Because make no mistake, Serena. I do bite.

― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“He really wished she would stop fingering the brick.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“Lu-cy...you have some s'plainin' to do.

― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“Yeah, you do. Because right now, I'm your best hope to defeat Byzamoth. So if you don't want to spend eternity bent over and holding your ankles for him, you'll back the fuck off.

― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“His voice was low and rough … “What about you? Do you like bad boys?”
“There’s definitely appeal,” she breathed.
“Good,” He bent and clipped her earlobe with his teeth … “Because they don’t come badder than me.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“I’m not going to pass out-”
He cut her off with a kiss. “If you did, I’d catch you.” Gods, he’d laugh at either of his brothers if they said that to their mates, the pussywhipped idiots.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“I hate you.”
“I know,” he whispered.
“Kiss me.”
He didn’t hesitate.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“Wraith rolled his eyes. If there was anything he hated more than cryptic shit, it was fate shit.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“I don’t care what you are, Gem. I want you. I love you.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“I'd drop one hand to your waist, but i don't know if i could be patient enough to unbutton your pants, or if i'd just rip them. Either way, i'd get in. I'd find that sweet place between your legs with my fingers, and i'd play until we were both panting. You'd be wet and ready for me when i dropped to my knees and replaced my hand with my mouth.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“My mom used to say that a man who hates cats is insecure, but a man who likes them is one worth keeping. If he can appreciate a cat, he can appreciate a strong, independent woman.”

― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“When you can't be sure of anything else in this crapped-on world, you have to be sure of yourself.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“Was this what it felt like to do something unselfish? The sensation was weird. Uncomfortable, yet… not awful. Like liquor that tasted like shit but went down smooth.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

“My mom used to say that a man who hates cats is insecure, but a man who likes them is one worth keeping. If he can appreciate a cat, he can appreciate a strong, independent woman.”
― Larissa Ione, quote from Passion Unleashed

About the author

Larissa Ione
Born place: The United States
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