Quotes from Leo's Chance

Mia Sheridan ·  216 pages

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“And it’s my hope that you will see, that I fought for you because you’re worth fighting for.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“Way I see it, maybe it’s not so unfair, as unfinished. If you stopped in the middle of a lot of stories, they’d seem unfair. You’re still in the middle of yours.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“You're jealous of a bird?" she asks.
"What? No!" I snap. I just don’t think I like peacocks very much.
"You're jealous of a bird," she says, a glint of amusement coming into her eyes. She glances back at her phone. "He IS gorgeous. Goddddd, soooo gorgeous," she moans out the words, throwing her head back.
"Hilarious," I say, trying not to smile now at my own ridiculousness. "That bird was trying to move in on my territory. I know a brazen male threat when I see one.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“I don't know, I'm kinda busy. I've got a pity party scheduled for eight o'clock followed by wallowing at nine.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“~ Jake is my lion, and Leo is my boy, I love both, I need both - Just one or the other doesn't add up to the complete person that he's become.~”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“Oh God!" I moan out as her hand slows. Will it always be like this with her? Holy shit. I’ll be dead by the time I’m thirty-two. But what a way to go. Death by orgasm. He came so hard he had an aneurism. Lucky bastard.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“We didn't know how much love and forgiveness and understanding would be required to make it back on the path we were meant to be in, together. But what we did know was that we were here because we had both been willing to fight; to fight for each other, to fight for ourselves, to fight for love. And that means that despite all the pain that we had endured to be where we are, in the end, love won. ~Evie, Epilogue”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“Being able to escape to a dreamland was a survival instinct for me.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“I realize now that there are a lot of paths in life. Some we choose and some are chosen for us. I was dealt some shit, just like a lot of us are, and I made a lot of poor choices too. I have to take responsibility for those. But the only thing we'll get from trying to figure out where another path would have taken us are questions there are no answers to, and heartbreak that can't be healed. Regardless of how we got there, all any of us can do is move forward from where we are.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“For a couple hours, I was a kid, doing something simple that I had never done when I was actually a kid. For a short time, I lost myself in doing something for no other reason than that it was fun.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“…it’s my hope that you will see, that I fought for you because you’re worth fighting for.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“You’re worth fighting for. Maybe I’m getting there. Maybe I’m not the bad bet that I believed myself to be for so, so long.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“life's worst experiences can be valuable gifts.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“And just a tip, if she won't listen to you, write your feeling down. Girls like letters." ~Christine, Leo's Chance, Ch.29”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“Evie, Evie, my girl, my heart.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“If I wasn’t before, I’m ruined for life. Hopelessly. In. Love. The girl is it for me. Yeah, ruined. Happily ruined, standing smack dab in the middle of the ice cream aisle.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“You are my dream," I whisper to her in the dark. "You are my every dream come true.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

“I have a quick vision of myself tackling them into a large display of cereal boxes; pink hearts, yellow moons, orange stars and green clovers turning into colored chalk beneath their faces as I slam them into the tiled floor. Magically delicious carnage.”
― Mia Sheridan, quote from Leo's Chance

About the author

Mia Sheridan
Born place: in The United States
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