Quotes from Deception Point

Dan Brown ·  556 pages

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“Sooner or later we've all got to let go of our past.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“There's just no substitute for the truth.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Nobody tells you what you can and can't do.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“When multiple explanations exist, the simplest is usually correct.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Anyone who said power was not addictive had never really experienced it.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Life is filled with difficult decisions, and winners are those who make them.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“When in doubt, just spit it out. That all challenges can be overcome by speaking the truth, no matter how itcomes out.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“In my mind, the men and women of NASA are history's modern pioneers. They attempt the impossible, accept failure, and then back to the drawing board while the rest of us stand back and criticize.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Sometimes, circumstances raise impossible decisions.
-William Pickering”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Proof, she knew, was a conclusion built on a pyramid of facts, a broad base of accepted information on which more specific assertions were made. Remove all the base assumptions. Start again.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“never disperse your focus unless absolutely necessary. Face one adversary at a time.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Find the truth. Act on it.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“مضت سبعة أشهر فقط عندما وجد تولاند نفسه جالسا بجانب زوجته المحتضرة في عناية المشفى المشددة.لم يعد يميز وجهها،فإن قساوة السرطان لا يمكن معالجتها إلا من خلال وحشية المواد الكيميائية. هذا جعلها هيكلا عظميا متلفا. الساعات الأخيرة كانت الأصعب.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“as she spoke, she watched the expressions on the faces go from incredulous shock, to hopeful belief, and finally to awestruck acceptance”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Penjelasan paling sederhana biasanya adalah penjelasan yang paling sulit dipahami”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“everything we’ve seen is deeply disturbing, but we cannot ignore these chondrules. The evidence in favor is conclusive, while the evidence against is circumstantial.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Orang yang mengatakan bahwa kekuasaan tidak memunculkan kecanduan pasti belum benar-benar berkuasa”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“lifers” who had been around long enough to understand the game with some perspective”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Yakında hipotermi başlayacaktı. Kan önemli iç organları korumak için vücudun içlerine çekilirken kollar ve bacaklarda hafif bir uyuşukluk şeklinde kendini gösterecekti. Nabız ve solunum yavaşlayıp, beyni oksijensiz bırakırken çılgınca halüsinasyonlar baş gösterecekti. Ardından vücut geri kalan ısıyı koruyabilmek için son bir gayretle kalp ve solunum hariç tüm organların çalışmasını durduracaktı. Bunu bilinçsizlik takip edecekti. Sonunda, beyindeki kalp ve solunum merkezleri aynı anda fonksiyonlarını kesecekti.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Because the vast majority of the world is made up of half-wits, the President asked Mike to come onboard and dumb everything down for them.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“Nobody tells you what you can and can’t do.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“You wouldn’t love a brand-new ship ?
I don’t know … a lot of memories onboard the Goya.
Rachel smiled softly.
Well, as my mom used to say, sooner or later we’ve all got to let go of our past.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“What are you going to tell them?” Gabrielle asked. Herney sighed, his expression remarkably calm. “Over the years, I’ve learned one thing over and over . . .” He put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. “There’s just no substitute for the truth.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“It’s a negative for the country. It implicates dozens of private companies, many of which are made up of honest people. It besmirches the office of the U.S. Senate and is bad for the country’s morale. Dishonest politicians hurt all politicians. Americans need to trust their leaders. This would be an ugly investigation”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“My staff is made up of politicians, Rachel, not scientists. You’ve met Dr. Marlinson. I think he’s terrific, but if I let an astrophysicist loose on my team of left-brain, think-inside-the-box intellectuals, I’ll end up with a herd of deer in the headlights.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

“She had heard the panspermia theory before but didn’t know its name. “The theory that a meteorite splashed into the primordial soup, bringing the first seeds of microbial life to earth.”
― Dan Brown, quote from Deception Point

About the author

Dan Brown
Born place: in Exeter, New Hampshire, The United States
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