Quotes from Bleach, Volume 01

Tite Kubo ·  200 pages

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“If I were the rain. . . that binds together the Earth and the sky, whom in all eternity will never mingle. . . Would I be able to bind two hearts together?”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“Do you know why the big brother is born first? It’s to protect the little brothers and sisters that come after him. A brother telling his sister, "I’ll kill you"... You never, ever say something like that.”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“If I were rain,
That joins sky and earth that otherwise never touch,
Could I join two hearts as well?”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“Remember this well. There are two kind of fights. As long as we place ourselves in battle, we must always know the difference: fights to defend life… and fights to defend pride…”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“We should not shed tears
That is a surrender of the body to the heart
It is only proof
That we are beings that do not know
What to do with out hearts”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“BE QUIET!!...What do you want...? I was in the middle of saying something nice...”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“Hold on. So in my mind, this jacked-up, sideways ridiculousness is the normal state?”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“Don't use such strong words. It'll only make you look weak.”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“I know that. What's your point?”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“We fear that which we cannot see.”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“I can't go back because I lost all my Soul Reaper powers! - Rukia
You lost your powers? What are they, socks? - Ichigo”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“I had a lot of things I wanted to do… I want to be a teacher…I also want to be an astronaut…and also make my own cake shop…I want to go to the sweets bakery and say “I want one of everything”, ohhhh I wish I could live life five times over…Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world…I’d live five different lives with five different occupations…and then, for those five times…I’d fall in love with the same person…”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“Any questions?"
"Ya why do your drawings suck so bad?”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“We fear which we cannot see”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“It's meaningless to just live, it's meaningless to just fight, cause i wanna win and survive !!!!”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

“It’s the same for those who die and those that survive both are sad as the other”
― Tite Kubo, quote from Bleach, Volume 01

About the author

Tite Kubo
Born place: in Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan
Born date June 26, 1977
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